Kumar Sharma Acharya, Ph.D. Senior Advocate Mediation Kumar Sharma Acharya, Ph.D. Senior Advocate
Session Objective In completion of the sessions, the participant officers will be able to: Explain the importance of mediation Describe mediation process Explain mediation in court annexed cases and community level
Session Outline Importance of mediation as alternate dispute resolution approach Mediation process and its adoption Community mediation Legitimacy of mediation
exercise Similar words (Synonyms) of Conflict or Dispute Write 5 words Explore and evaluate
Why Conflict Arises Type “A” Personality Vs. Type “B Personality
Type ”A” Personality Highly Competitive Strong Personality Restless when inactive Seeks Promotion Punctual Thrives on deadlines Maybe jobs at once
Type “B” Personality Works methodically Rarely competitive Enjoys leisure time Does not anger easily Does job well but doesn’t need recognition Easy-going
conflict and dispute Differences Escalation of Conflict
Dispute settlement mechanisms Formal process Informal process Traditional practice developed by Society ADR
ADR Negotiation Arbitration Conciliation Mediation
What is mediation? Mediation is often referred to as being assisted negotiation. It is a voluntary process in which parties attempt to resolve a dispute with the help of a neutral 3rd party called a mediator. The mediator is not a judge and does not decide who is right. Mediators use many of the skills that negotiators use.
What types of disputes can be mediated? Civil litigation Family dispute Consumer Workplace/employment Neighborhood Landlord/ tenant Business contracts Disability issues School/peer mediation Social conflicts Other community level disputes
Approaches of Mediation Right based approach Interest based approach
TYPES OF MEDIATION Facilitative Evaluative Transformative
Institutionalization of mediation Court Related Mediation Court referred Court annexed Mediation in Quasi-judicial Authorities Community Mediation Local Bodies
Legitimacy of mediation Legitimate on court related cases Legitimate on Community Mediation Mediation Act and Regulation Constitution on Mediation
WHY MEDIATE? Rapid Settlements Mutually Satisfactory Outcomes High Rate of Compliance/Execution Economical Decisions/cost effective Comprehensive and Adapted Agreements Greater Degree of Control and Predictability Personal Empowerment Preservation of an Ongoing Relationship in a More Amicable Way Workable and Implementable Decisions Agreements that are Better than Simple Compromises or Win/Lose Outcomes Settlement of dispute by Win-Win approach
MODEL STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR MEDIATORS Self-Determination Impartiality Conflicts of Interest Competence Confidentiality Quality of Process Fees Obligation to the Mediation Process
limitations Big criminal cases (State Party) Mediation is a voluntary process Parties autonomy on settlement Process based process
ljjfb ;dfwfgsf /0fgLltx? d]/f] rfxgf -cfjZostf_ k"/f eof] k|lt:kwf{ (competition) -xf/–lht_ 6fNg'/k~5fpg' (Avoidance) ;Demf}tf (Compromise) (Accommodation) cg's"n ePsf] ltd|f] cfjZostf k"/f eof] ltd|f] cfjZostf k"/f ePg d]/f] rfxgf -cfjZostf_ k"/f ePg ;dembf/L (collaboration) -lht–lht_
Second session
Important terms used in Mediation Issues Position Interest Option Agreement
Position and interest Demand and Claim – Position Cause of the Claim – Interest Case Study
issues Subjective Relationship
options Possible Solutions As Much as Possible Use Brainstorming tools to get more Evaluate with Interests Search Amicable Solutions Value Creation Win-Win approach Case Study
STEPS IN THE MEDIATION PROCESS Mediator opening statement Party opening statements Exchange/negotiation Caucuses Closure/agreement
मेलमिलापका ७ चरण प्रथम चरण : परिचय र शुभारम्भ दोस्रो चरण : आधारभूत नियमको निर्धारण तेस्रो चरण : घटना प्रस्तुती तथा सूचना सङ्कलन चौथो चरण : एकअर्कालाइ बुझ्ने र विवादित विषयको पहिचान पाँचौं चरण : एकान्त वार्ता छैठौं चरण : विकल्पको खोजी र मूल्याङ्कन सातौं चरण : सहमती, कार्ययोजना सहित सहमति पत्र लेखन र समापन
s]xL dfG5] d]/f] ;Nnfx oltlj£g dg k/fpF5g\ ls To;nfO{ nfu' ug'{sf] ;f6f] leQfdf 6fF:5g\ . Uff]8{g cf/= l8S;g
Intent and impact Ladder of decision Intent and Impact tool
आशय र प्रभावको सिद्धान्त cjut -yfxf ePsf]_ cgjut -cg'dfg ul/Psf]_ cfzo d]/f cfzox¿ csf]{ JolQmsf cfzox¿ k|efj ddf c? JolQmsf] k|efj c? JolQmdf d]/f k|efj
निष्कर्ष तह k|ltlqmofTds dfu{÷rqm xfd|f] lgisif{x?n] csf{] k6s xfdLn] b]Vg] s'/fx?nfO{ c;/ ub{5 . d d]/f] lgisif{sf] cfwf/df sfd u5'{ . d lgisif{ lgsfN5' . clwsf+z ;do xfdL cg'dfg u5f}{+ ls, xfd|f lgisif{x? ;To 5g\ . ;To d}n] a'em]sf] s'/f g} xf] xfd|f lgisif{x? tYodf cfwfl/t 5g\, xfdLn] h] b]Vof}+ b]lvg] ;a} s'/fx? Tolt g} x'g\ . d cg'dfgx? u5'{ d s]xL 36gf÷tYof+sx? b]V5' . b]Vg ;lsg] tYof+sx?
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