The Alternative Dispute Resolution Program at SFUSD SFUSD in collaboration with The Bay Area Mediation Services Program of The Bar Association of San Francisco Presented to Content Specialists and Supervisors
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)? An alternative process for disputants to discuss differences and find resolution Less formal, faster & cheaper than going to Due Process hearing Confidential and completely optional, voluntary Especially recommended in situations in which a relationship must endure beyond the point of conflict, e.g. divorcing parents Alternative Dispute Resolution boasts a high level of satisfaction among participants generally because of the control parents have over the process
Why ADR at SFUSD? Districts chosen for grant had the highest number of compliance complaints ADR has been shown in other school districts to reduce the level of tension and conflict between parents and the school district Help prevent conflict and disruptions in the parent-teacher-school district relationship at present and in the future
Who are The Bar Association Special Education Facilitators? Special Education Facilitators (SEF Panel) are certified mediators with the Bar Association’s Bay Area Mediation Program They have received 15 hours of specialized training in special education law and the culture of parental and school district relations Also, specialized training has been provided in the kinds of complaints parents have brought in the special education context and the frustrations, tensions and culture that can bring about difficulties and complaints
What is the Collaborative Conference ADR Program? The ‘Collaborative Conference’ is a 2-hour, a no-attorney zone for the confidential discussion of complaints, including formal complaints lodged with the California Department of Education A skilled, experienced facilitator certified in mediation practice and trained in the policies, procedures and law of special education facilitates the informal meeting The Collaborative Conference is voluntary, optional and completely confidential (facilitator notes are destroyed; nothing said can be used in any other forum)
Continuum of ADR at SFUSD Ombudsperson – Laura Savage investigates complaints, proposes solutions and negotiates with all parties ADR Collaborative Conferences Collaborative Coaching for district too! As needed, up to two hours weekly of consultation for CM, CS and Supervisors on communication and resolution strategies for complaints Facilitation Neutral third party facilitates communication and problem solving (coming soon!)
Checklist before requesting ADR Case Manager contacts the family to discuss concerns Notify the Principal and (s)he contacts the family Content Specialist is notified and contacts the family Be sure your Special Education Supervisor is aware of the parent and/or school site’s concerns If the parent has had prior contact with Support for Families (SFCD), CAC or the district Ombudsperson, suggest parents contact them for support, Case Manager may reach out as well
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