Chief (Poverty Alleviation & SDG Section) Presentation on Localizing SDGs in Pakistan Zafar ul Hassan Chief (Poverty Alleviation & SDG Section) October 24, 2016
Why localize the 2030 Agenda into national and sub-national planning & budgeting MDGs lessons learnt and SDGs: MDGs were officially acknowledged in 2004 and localization started in 2010 Development framework remained alien to MDGs Timely and pro-active reaction on SDGs by GoP Economic policies and development framework is aligned to SDGs framework SDGs demands disaggregation of data by sex, age and other salient socio- economic characteristics, including income/wealth, location, class, ethnicity, age, disability status Decentralized Governance Structure in Pakistan- where provinces are empowered to plan and executive- implementation of SDGs, especially those related to social sectors, fall under the preview of sub-nationals. This calls for localization and ownership of SDGs at the lowest administrative tier as key to SDGs achievement.
Why localize the 2030 Agenda into national and sub-national planning & budgeting Issues of Rising inequalities: Income inequality deteriorated from 0.35 to 0.41.The richest 20% consumes 7 times more than the poorest 20%. Prevailing inequalities in access to basic services i.e. education, health & physical infrastructure. Regional disparities- rural poverty is three times the urban poverty. Disparities also exist across provinces. Multidimensional poverty in Punjab is 31.5%, 71% in Balochistan and as high as 73.7% in FATA. Gender inequality- Female labor force participation rate is a mere 18% compared to 71% for men. Women economic contributions are largely unaccounted. Women own less than 3% of land which negatively impacts women economic empowerment.
Key milestones achieved so far UNDP led Country level consultation on Post 2015 Development Agenda (2012-2014) SDGs embedded in 7 pillars of Vision 2025 (August 2014) National launch of SDGs as “Pakistan Development Goals” (October 2015) Sub-national SDGs Launch (Dec 2015) Minister Planning nominated as UNDP’s Champion to promote SDGs (February 2016) Pakistan’s Parliament became 1st to adopt SDGs and establishment of SDG Secretariat(February 2016) Launched a 5 years- National Initiative on Agenda 2030 (January 2016)
National Initiative on Agenda 2030 (MAPS) MoPDR, the Provincial Planning & Development Departments partnered with UNDP under this 5-years project to establish SDG Support Units for early institutionalization of Agenda 2030 Federal and provincial government financed US$ 16 million The initiative bring together the Planning, finance and statistical institutions to work collectively to lay foundation for SDGs implementation
Our Approach to SDGs: Institutional Framework OUTPUT 1 Mainstreaming SDGs in Plans, policies and resource allocation aligned Establish Baseline and Priorities identified; Resource allocations aligned Institutional coordination& oversight strengthened Awareness& Advocacy OUTPUT 4 Innovative approaches to accelerate progress piloted Innovation Acceleration Planning and Budgeting Financing Data OUTPUT 3 Financing flows are increasingly aligned with 2030 Agenda Approach to leverage innovative financing streams developed OUTPUT 2 Monitoring, reporting and evaluation capacities strengthened Capacities for monitoring & reporting strengthened Capacities for evaluating policy choices, interventions and institutional arrangements strengthened
Institutional Coordination Mechanism National Coordination Committee Provincial Coordination (across provinces) Sector Specific & Thematic Coordination National SDGs Support Unit (Planning Commission) Provincial SDGs Support Unit (in each Planning & Development Dept.) Vertical Policy Coherence: Institutional coordinating mechanisms to foster partnerships and coordination across levels Horizontal Policy Coherence: formal partnerships and coordination across sectoral line ministries and agencies Federal Cabinet Committee Provincial Cabinet Committee Parliamentary Secretariat on SDGs
Progress to date: SDGs Data Gaps Analysis Code 1: Data available in Pakistan on regular basis and standards are available. Code 2: Data available but not on regular basis, however standards are available. Code 3: Data not regularly produced and standards need to be developed. Code 4: Indicator is not applicable (relevant) for this level.
Initial Finding of SDGs Data Gaps Analysis Criteria Availability of data Total Indicators (N) Global National Provincial District 1- Data available on regular basis and standards are available 45 14 30 89 2- Data available but not on regular basis, however standards are available 6 34 3- Data not regularly produced and standards need to be developed 8 21 76 105 13 59 49 120 241
Initial findings of SDGs Data Gaps Analysis Extent of disaggregation! Data gaps for social indicators increase we go down the administrative level At district level: - Data for 18 indicators can be made available by adding few questions to existing tools. - Additional 37 indicators will require adding new modules existing tools - New surveys to be introduced such as general social surveys and climate/ natural resource to reduce gaps further
Our steps Localize Mainstream National/ provincial SDGs Frameworks developed Analyze quantitative and qualitative aspects of data Establish Baselines Well defined localization of targets and goals Methodological selection and prioritizing of indicators Monitoring and evaluation framework for SDGs National /sub-national policies, plans and budgets aligned Reviews of plan policies and strategies Comparing Existing goals and targets with the SDGs targets Budget and expenditure analysis Financing for Development Institutional, legal, policy and financing framework - Multi-stakeholder consultative process - ICT &Innovations - Capacity Building - Awareness raising- Policy Research and Analysis
Challenges and Opportunities: Reposition Local Government as the SDGs focal tier Address limitations related to authority and responsibility of District Government and financial allocation imperative for SDGs implementation Provide blueprint for sustainable development Strengthened and reformed the coordination role of Planning Commission Improve coordination with the private sector including corporates, CSOs and development partners
Thank you