Parts of a Monogastric Digestive System Intro to Animal Science—Swine Unit
Mouth Contains: Functions: Tongue, teeth, salivary glands Assists animal in taking in food, breaks food down into smaller particles, mixes with saliva
Esophagus Passageway between mouth and stomach Moves food along by series of voluntary muscle contractions
Stomach 2. Muscular movement breaks down ingested food 1. Stores ingested food 2. Muscular movement breaks down ingested food 3. Secretes digestive juices
Small Intestine Primary site of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins Sections Duodenum Receives bile from the gallbladder to help break fats down into usable forms of energy Receives enzymes from pancreas to help break down carbohydrates and proteins Jejunum and ileum--Active in absorption of digested nutrients
Large Intestine Sections Functions Cecum Colon Rectum Absorbs water from undigested material Causes fecal formation Adds mucus for lubrication of digestive tract
Anus Final part of digestive tract Passageway for feces to outside of the body