The important legislation concerning the cooperation of PES with employers


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Presentation transcript:

Typical activities performed by Public Employment Services including those focused on employers

The important legislation concerning the cooperation of PES with employers The Act on promotion of employment and labour market institutions of 2004 and government orders Original title: Ustawa o promocji zatrudnienia i instytucjach rynku pracy The most important legal instrument, which regulates functioning of Public Employment Services in Poland The Act defines the basic types of labour market services and standards Original title: Ustawa o o rehabilitacji zawodowej i społecznej oraz zatrudnianiu osób niepełnosprawnych The Act enables financing of PES activities for disabled persons from National Disabled Persons Rehabilitation Fund The Act on Employment,Vocational and Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons of 1997

The organisation of Public Employment Services in Poland 3 organisational levels Ministry of Labour and Social Policy 16 Regional Labour Offices 341 Local Labour Offices Independence Labour offices report to local/regional government They must follow some centrally-defined rules and legal standards Financing Respective territorial levels of government -main operational costs Labour Fund - labour market programmes/ vocational activation The national budget European funds

Typical activities performed by PES (national and regional level) Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Defining goals and creating national labour market policy Coordination of activities of Public Employment Services Planning Labour Fund and National Budget spending for PES activities Regional/Voivodeship Labour Offices Creating regional labour market policy Labour market analyses Acting as an institution implementing part of Human Capital Operational Programme (European Social Fund) Implementation of regional programmes Vocational/career counselling International emloyment services – EURES network Coordination of social security systems

Typical activities performed by PES (local level) Local Labour Offices/Job Centres Registration of unemployed people Paying unemployment benefits Job placement (including EURES services) Career counseling, guidance, vocational information Organising of trainings, internships, short term employment Job fairs Cooperation with employers

Typical activities of PES focused on employers Labour market services European employment services: carried by the Voivodeship Labour Office (WUP) – Department of European Employment Services (EURES): an offer directed to job seekers and companies seeking employees abroad placing job vacancies on the EURES portal access to CV database of candidates on the EURES portal assistance in recruitment of employees from the EU/EEA countries and Switzerland National employment services: carried by Local Labour Offices (PUP) maintaining a register of the job seekers maintaining of job vacancies database PES arrange and participate in the national and international job fairs

Typical activities of PES focused on employers Labour market services Centre for Information and Career Planning specification of predispositions required for practicing specific professions selection of candidates for a vacancy submitted by an employer support of career development of employees Entrepreneurship promotion and consultation initiating and supporting of measures to promote enterprise among the unemployed and job seekers providing information to prospective individuals intending to set up their own business(for. example on: how and where apply for grants, how to set up the business, where to obtain non-financial support, how and where to apply for financial assistance)

Typical activities of PES focused on employers Internships acquisition of practical skills at a workplace duration of max 12 months employer does not incur the cost of remuneration during internship Local Labour Office pays a scholarship Refunding the costs of the working place equipment the working place must be created for an unemployed person directed by Local Labour Office the amount for 1 working place can not exceed 600% of average remuneration (about 5 thousands EUR) total period of full-time employment in a given position – at least 24 months

Typical activities of PES focused on employers Intervention works employment of persons in particularly difficult situation on labour market employment period up to 6 months – each month employer receives a refund of a part of remuneration (max. amount – about 230 EUR/ month ) or employment period up to 12 months – each 2 months employer receives a refund of a part of remuneration (max. amount – about 380 EUR) Refunding the social insurance costs refunding the expenses of social insurance of a person directed to work by Local Labour Office a one-time refund unemployed person has to be employed for at least 12 months on full time amount up to 1100 EUR

Typical activities of PES focused on employers Training courses for unemployed training of the unemployed person according to the employer’s needs for specific qualifications at the request of the employer the employer guarantees the employment after completing the training course Training courses for employees at the request of the employer refunding up to 50% of the costs of the training but (maximum 870 EUR/ per person) if the training is intended for people over the age of 45 – the refund up to 80%, (maximum 2.600 EUR/ per person) the employer guarantees the employment at least 12 months after the course

Typical activities of PES focused on employers Group redundancy monitoring concerns planned dismissals of more than 50 people within 3 months for reasons related to the employer (so-called group redundancy) employer shall notify this fact to the labour office labour office establishes with the employer forms of aid for dismissed employees Incentives for entrepreneurs employing people over the age of 50 employer providing employment to a person over 50, who was registered for minimum 30 days as an unemployed, does not pay for this person fees for the Labour Fund and Employee’s Guaranteed Benefits Fund employer providing employment to women over 55 and men over 60 does not pay for these people fees for the Labour Fund and Employee’s Guaranteed Benefits Fund

Thank you for your attention Anna Mielecka, regional programmes specialist Barbara Szymańska, project coordinator