Proper Methods of Measuring Ingredients Dry Ingredients Use proper measuring cups- 250ml, 125ml, 80ml, 60ml. (occasionally 50ml) Spoon the ingredients into the measure until overflowing Do not shake or pack the ingredients down Level with the straight edge of a metal spatula If the recipe calls for sifted flour, sift the flour before measuring Brown sugar must be packed down into the measuring cup
2. Measuring Solid Fats- (butter, margarine, lard, vegetable shortening) Use the measurement on the package Use the proper measuring cup or spoon. Pack the fat firmly so that no air pockets remain. Level with the straight edge of a knife or spatula. Water displacement method- For example: 50ml solid fat. Fill a glass measuring cup with water up to the 200ml mark. Add solid fat until the level of the water rises to 250ml. Drain the water.
3. Measuring liquids- (including liquid fats, and oils) Use a glass measuring cup, pour the liquid to the level required. Pour at eye level on a flat surface, and ensure the measuring spoons are level.
4. Measuring small quantities of Wet or dry Ingredients Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Salt, Vanilla Dry ingredients- dip the measuring spoon in to the ingredient, bring it up heaping full. Level off with a straight edge or spatula. Wet ingredients- measure small liquid ingredients over a separate bowl incase of spillage.