School Food Service Rules Part 305 Mark Haller / Shawn Rotherham / Roxanne Ramage Nutrition Programs Division Illinois State Board of Education December 2006
Overview Part 305 was amended Commonly referred to in the press as the “Junk Food Rules” Rules became effective October 17, 2006 Guidance Materials available online at
Section 305.10 Illinois Free Lunch and Breakfast Programs Every public school shall provide free lunches (free breakfasts, if offered) to students eligible to receive free meals Students eligible for free meals are defined as those eligible to receive such meals through the federal Child Nutrition Programs Public and non-publics may claim state reimbursement for meals provided to students eligible for free meals
Section 305.20 Student Workers All public schools and any non-public school participating in the National School Lunch Program shall obtain written consent from student worker’s parent or guardian A student shall not be required to work for his or her meals Meal served to a student worker must be claimed in the category for which the student is eligible
Section 305.30 Government-Donated Commodities Processing agreements must be approved by ISBE unless listed on Illinois Commodity System Storage facilities must meet the requirements in the federal regulations Complaints concerning government donated commodities regarding food safety or other food-quality issues shall be reported to ISBE. Form available at
Section 305.15 Sale of Foods and Beverages in Participating Schools All foods and beverages sold in participating schools to students in grades 8 and below must meet the food and beverage requirements A participating school is any public or non-public school that participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Program (SBP)
\ Section 305.15 Sale of Foods and Beverages in Participating Schools Does NOT impact the following: Schools that do not participate in the NSLP or SBP Participating schools with only grades 9 -12 Reimbursable meals served through NSLP/SBP Foods or beverages sold to a student who presents a written physician statement Foods sold in the food service area during the meal period Foods and beverages sold after the school day Food and beverages that are not sold (incentives, rewards)
What are the beverage requirements? Beverages sold to students in grades 8 or below before or during the regular school day including the meal period shall include only: MILK - flavored or plain whole, reduced-fat (2 percent), low-fat (1 percent), or nonfat fluid that meets State and local standards for pasteurized fluid milk; ALTERNATIVE DAIRY BEVERAGES - reduced-fat and enriched (i.e., rice, nut, or soy milk), or any other alternative dairy beverage approved by the USDA; FRUIT/VEGETABLE DRINKS - containing 50 percent or more fruit or vegetable juice; WATER - non-flavored, non-sweetened, and non-carbonated; FRUIT SMOOTHIE - yogurt or ice-based, contains less than 400 calories and no added sugars, and is made from fresh or frozen fruit or fruit drinks that contain at least 50 percent fruit juice; and EXEMPTED BEVERAGES - Any beverage exempted from the USDA’s list of FMNV (see Appendix C).
What are the food requirements – within the food service area during meal periods? Reimbursable meals – exempt from food and beverage requirements (regulated by USDA’s meal pattern requirements and specific nutrient standards when averaged over a school week). Participating schools in which classes of grades 5 and below are operating shall prohibit the sale to students of all confections, candy and potato chips during meal periods. All revenue from the sale of any food or beverage sold in the food service area during meal periods shall accrue to the nonprofit school lunch program account. No Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV).
Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV) Per federal regulations, foods of minimal nutritional value (FMNV) cannot be sold to students during meal periods in the food service areas. FMNV include soda water, water ices, chewing gum and certain candies (hard candy, jellies and gums, marshmallow candies, fondant, licorice, spun candy, and candy coated popcorn). List of food and beverages exempted by USDA from FMNV is available as Appendix C of the Guidance Document.
What are the food requirements – What are the food requirements – outside food service area or within food service area other than during meal periods? Foods sold to students in grades 8 or below outside of food service areas or within food service areas other than during meal periods by participating schools shall include only: Nuts, seeds, nut butters, eggs, cheese packaged for individual sale, fruits or non-fried vegetables, or low-fat yogurt products; or Any food item that meets all of the following criteria: Total calories from fat do not exceed 35 percent; Total calories from saturated fat do not exceed 10 percent; Total amount of sugar by weight does not exceed 35 percent; and Calories do not exceed 200 Participating schools in which classes of grades 5 and below are operating shall prohibit the sale to students of all confections, candy and potato chips during meal periods.
Tools to determine if products meet the Illinois food requirements See Appendix D of Guidance Document for a sample worksheet An online calculator, available at, may be used instead of the worksheet
SUMMARY Inside the Food Service Area Before the Regular School Day During the Meal Periods During the Regular School Day After the Regular School Day State Food Requirements Applicable - N/A - No FMNV - No candy, potato chips or confections if grade 5 and below N/A State Beverage Requirements No FMNV
SUMMARY Outside the Food Service Area or Within Food Service Area Other Than During Meal Periods Before the Regular School Day During the Meal Periods During the Regular School Day After the Regular School Day State Food Requirements Applicable - Applicable - No candy, potato chips or confections if grade 5 and below N/A State Beverage Requirements
Exemption Request A participating school may request an exemption for the 2006-2007 school year from the food and beverage requirements if the school district has an existing contract or grade structure that will not allow for implementation. Form in Appendix E or online at
Additional 305.15 During January 2007, ISBE will initiate a revision to the food and beverage requirements that responds to the School Wellness Policy Task Force’s recommended nutrition standards.
Any Questions? Please contact the Nutrition Programs Division of the Illinois State Board of Education Telephone: (800) 545-7892 in Illinois only (217) 782-2491 Fax: (217) 524-6124 Electronic Mail: