DNA 3/9/16 Get your group’s poster from Monday. Take 5 min to finish it/ decide who will present each portion. You will present in 5 min!
Presentations…Be an Active Listener! Each person needs to write one question on a post-it note. Each person will ask their question AT THE END of the presentation (do not interrupt!) WRITE DOWN the presenter’s response to your question, and stick it to their poster.
Announcements Ecology Quiz Retake on Monday (OH) Quiz Error Analysis due Mon Honors Project Run Throughs: INVENTIONS Monday OH INFORM YOUR COMMUNITY Wed OH
How humans are affecting the carbon cycle Climate Change How humans are affecting the carbon cycle
Politicians’ Views on Climate Change: Write down at least one quote per video that stands out to you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoMIq50uc5k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOXMZLGtZHA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9A0w_lemK0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxLwmGPMLJk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR5IMiIFAFQ
Discuss! Share quote without saying why you chose it. Each person comments on the quote that was shared. (1 min max per person) Original person comments on why they chose it. (max 2 min) Rotate so that each person shares a quote! Do not repeat quotes that have already been shared by your group members!
What do the scientific studies actually show?
What do the scientific studies actually show? Today and tomorrow, we are going to look at various pieces of evidence for climate change. On Friday, we will hold a mock presidential election! There will be one presidential candidate per lab team. Your candidate will use the evidence collected inside and outside of class to present his/her platform and try to win the election. Make sure your candidate is prepared to present his/her stance on: climate change, air pollution, and water contamination