Monday 23rd May – Friday 27th May 2011 ACTIVITIES WEEK Monday 23rd May – Friday 27th May 2011
What is it? Why bother? Which activities? How to apply? Anything else?
What is it? Last week in Term 5 For Years 7, 8 and 9 ONLY Normal, timetabled lessons suspended all week Range of activities take place instead
Why bother? Reward Something different Curriculum enrichment Specific skills: Teamwork Creative thinking Problem solving Will help in subject study
Which activities are on offer? Barcelona 8 Street Dance 7 8 9 Boppard African Drumming Normandy Song In A Day Boulogne 7 Virtual Rock Band Blacklands Camp 9 Soft Head Sculpture 8 9 Dr Who Experience Urban Art Greenwich Circus Workshop Lewes Castle Film Making Towner Gallery Cooking Skills Chessington Antweight Robots Mount Caburn Golf Ball Challenge Football Coaching Rapid Response
How do I apply? Booklet – take one today Application Form – take one today Also on website Read it all carefully Select any / all activities you like Return form to Reception by Tuesday 5th April Wait for confirmation… after Easter Organising staff will tell you what to do next
Anything else I need to know? Languages trips… no more places available, tick the boxes anyway Some activities cost Some activities run on different days – we’ll allocate you to the day that fits best Some activities run for more than one day Extra good stuff will be put on in the week, to fill in the gaps You are submitting a preference – we can’t promise you’ll get everything you want
So, to summarise… Doing something different w/c May 23rd Will benefit socially and academically Range of activities Pick SOMETHING Pick lots of things Return your form by Tuesday 5th April