Beacon Primary Academy Sports Premium Funding 2016-2017
Impact of PE last year. On average 89% of our children say that their PE lessons make them feel fitter and healthier. On average 89% of our children say that their PE coaches/teachers have made them enjoy PE more. On average 91% of our children say they enjoy PE at their school.
Funding this year? £8,300. Click here to go to the Skegness Coastal Partnership website:
Curriculum Key Stage 1 Children take part in 2 hours of PE each week. This consists of formal teaching either delivered by the class teacher or a sports coach and 5-a-day. EYFS take part in a 1 hour PE session along with five 5 minute workouts each morning (5-a-day) Their curriculum is set up for regular exposure to physical development. Key Stage 2 Children take part in 2 hours of PE each week. This consists of formal teaching either delivered by the class teacher or a sports coach and 5-a-day.
How have we used the money? We have so far spent £6,000 on buying in coaches from Skegness Academy to deliver lessons based on Multi-skills, Gymnastics and Dance. This money also funds the package of CPD that is available for the staff throughout the year. Click here to go to the Skegness Coastal Partnership website:
Equipment We are planning to buy brand new PE equipment to support the teaching of the Balance-ability program and have trained 2 adults to deliver the balance ability program to our school. Balance-ability cost - £320 for the teaching kit.
Clubs We offer 100% of the school the chance to attend at least one of our PE focused clubs. Clubs this term so far – multiskills, running gymnastics and games. Introducing Lisa Jay street dance company delivering dance classes for 32 weeks costing £160. Fitness and Relaxation programme for Y2 and Y3 for 32 weeks costing £728. Children attending a sports club. R – 40% Y1 – 60% Y2 – 45% Y3 – 80% On average 56% of children take part in a sporting after school club – this will increase further next term due to additional clubs being invested in for our children.
Competitions KS2 competition have started already and they have competed in a cross country event.
Impact of PE provision We are proud to say that 100% of our children take part in all PE sessions.
Swimming. In term 1,3 and 5 children will be taking part in swimming at the Embassy. Year 2 have just completed a 6-week swimming experience in Term 1 and then Year 1 will be completing theirs in Term 5 and Year 3 in Term 3. This in total will cost £1026.