Animal cell lines
CELL LINE When primary culture is first subcultured or passaged , it became cell line. ANIMAL CELL CULTURE: When primary culture of animal cells is first subcultured or passaged , it became animal cell line.
THREE TYPES OF CELL LINE TRANSFORMED CELL LINE FINITE CELL LINE CONTINUOUS CELL LINE Normal cell usually divide only a limited number of times before loosing there ability to proliferate which is a genetically determined event known senescence. When a finite cell line undergoes transformation and acquires the ability to divide indefinitely . Conversion of a normal healthy cell into tumorous and cancerous cell.
FEATURES FEATURES FINITE CONTINUOUS Ploidy diploid heteroploidy Anchourage Dependence yes no Density limitation yes no Of growth Serum requirement high low Cloning efficiency low high Growth rate slow (24-96 ) hour high (12-24)hours Yield low high
FINITE CELL LINE CELL LINE ORIGIN SPECIES CHARACTERISTICS IMR-90 Lung human Susceptible to human viral infection. MRC-5 Lung human Susceptible to human viral Kidney human readily transfected. B16 - rat melanin LLC-PKI kidney pig Na+- dependent glucose uptake.
CONTINUOUS CELL LINES CELL LINE ORIGIN SPECIES CHARACTERISTICS Caco-2 Colon Human transport ions and amino acids Friend spleen Mouse hemoglobin P388D1 - Mouse grow in suspension GH1,GH2 - Rat growth hormone S180 Mouse Cancer chemotherapy screening
TRANSFORMED CELL LINES CELL LINE ORIGIN SPECIES 3T3 - Mouse Vero kidney monkey HeLa epithelial cell human