Using Google SketchUp for Solar Blueprints
Download the software Begin by downloading the program Then open the downloaded file Once it opens, Install the program Then go to your desktop and look for the SketchUp icon Click on the icon
Choose the right template Click on the “Choose Template” button Select “Construction Documentation – Feet and Inches” Click “Start using SketchUp” at the bottom
Toolbars and Icons At the top, click on View, then from the drop down menu, hover over Toolbars Check Large Tool Set and Views You can move toolbars by clicking on the dotted line in the corner
Lets get started Set Perspective to Parallel. **Be sure to save your work as you go**
2). Add a geographical location: your school’s address.
3). Type in address, then click Search.
4). Click Select Region to create an adjustable boundary
5). Adjust the square to show property boundary only.
6). Unlock project image and Move to top-left quadrant.
7). Draw an outline of all pertinent project features.
8). Prepare to add solar panels to the drawing
9). Choose a specific PV module
10). Load selection into the model
11). Place the PV module off to the side of the diagram
12). Build the array
13). Select the array and move it into roof position
14). Remove underlying image
This is what your drawing should look like now.
15). Select Tape Measure to apply diagram measurements
16). Select Dimension Tool to apply the measurements.
17). Use the Text Tool to add notes.
18). Use the 3D Text tool to add the site address.
19). Use the Rotate tool to rotate the address placement.
20). To change the font, use the Select tool to highlight the text you want to change and right click, then select Entity Info.
21). Select Font from the window that appears.
22). We are done! Now you have a finished product.