Buddhism in China Dylan M Guthrie
A Timeline of Buddhism In China 1 Century CE- Two Buddhist Monks from India Arrive in China to translate Buddhist literature 2 Century CE- the First Buddhist monasteries were established in China 6 Century CE- 9 Century CE- The Golden Age of Chinese Buddhism under the Tang Dynasty 7 Century- the decline of Chinese Buddhism after the persecution of 845 CE under Emperor Wu-tsung Modern Era- The Buddhist religion is not as popular as it once was in China due to the general repression of religion in China in recent history
Introduction of Buddhism into China Because of international trade throughout Asia, cultural influence began to affect the Chinese culture By the first century CE, Buddhism had begun to take hold in China Buddhist texts began to be in demand Anshiagao was a notable Buddhist monk from China that was responsible for the influx of Buddhist texts into China The Golden Age of Buddhism in China occurred under the Tang Dynasty
Buddhism Establishes itself in China Buddhism was compatible with Taoism and Confucianism Stressed atheism, morality and the denial of self It was compatible with the intellectual culture within China The Tang rulers favored Buddhism because it was extremely popular in China Government began to take control over Buddhist monks and monasteries and gave them legal legitimacy Schools began the formal teaching of Buddhists principles
The Decline of Buddhism in China Distrust in Buddhism began to develop because it of its foreign origin Buddhism stressed the importance of withdrawing from society, while the Chinese culture found the family deeply important Imperial defeat of the Tang dynasty nearly destroyed institutional Buddhism in China (9th Century CE) The Communist Revolution in China destroyed religion in general
Sources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Buddhism#Tang_state_repression_o f_845 http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/history/chin_timeline.htm http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/buddhistworld/east-asia.htm http://online.sfsu.edu/rone/Buddhism/Buddhism%20in%20China.htm