Passing the Torch 1: A Theology of Children Tim Sisemore, Ph.D.
Passing the Torch of Faith Consider how our faith got to us Handed down from generation to generation It is only one generation from dying at any point And in the US, Christian influence is waning faster than ever
Our Mission Parents: to see how the transmission of faith to your children is the most important part of parenting More than education, money, making them “happy” Covenant church community: To treasure and honor the children in our midst Provide programs, opportunity, but most of all support for parents and models for children
Our Time Together For our time together, we will develop a framework for passing the torch to the next generation See the biblical teachings on children and their nurture Consider the challenges we face in passing the torch Focus deliberately on passing on the torch through the fruit of the Spirit
We Begin with Theology Where do children stand before God? What is there nature? Where do they fit in the plan of salvation? And in the community of the Church?
Why Theology of Children? Hostile culture Loss of deep thought Jet skiing over info rather than scuba diving! Even in the church As a minority, we need to learn from the Puritans
PLAN Bad News Good News Basics of Children in the Covenant Goals of Parenting What to Do?
The Good News about Kids Blessings, not burdens Children are gifts Natural affection Children evoke emotions Made in the image of God
Good News: Blessings, not Burdens Historic perspectives Modern ambivalence Psalm 127:3 – children are a heritage from the Lord
Good News: Gifts Dt. 32:39: God ordains each life A sign of God’s favor Biblical women wanted children Adoption valued Thus, Christians have advocated for children
Good News: Natural Affection Romans 1:31 “Stergein” love Note also disobedience of children is a consequence of sin Compare the biblical mass murders Infanticide Abortion, neglect, and abuse today Calvin’s comment:
Calvin “How inexcusable will be the impiety of men, if when he adorns them with the honorable title of fathers, they account this favour as nothing. It is also to be added, that unless men regard their children as the gift of God, they are careless and reluctant in providing for their support, just as on the other hand this knowledge contributes in a very eminent degree to encourage them in bringing up their offspring.”
Good News: Made in God’s Image A brief history of the image Perfect Distorted Yet valuable What is it? Ephesians 4:24 Colossians 3:10 “Reason and intelligence” “Righteousness and true holiness” Provides: Reason to care Resources for parenting Overall some sense of right and wrong
Bad News: Original Sin
Original Sin: What is it? A state of sinfulness preceding specific sins See Ps. 51:4; Job 14:4; Ro. 5:12-19 Begins with Genesis 5:3, Adam bearing seed after his image Augustine an early thinker on the issue
Original Sin: Implications Children naturally inclined to do wrong This, plus distorted image, set stage for the challenges of parenting Even environment “polluted” by sin (Gen. 3:17-19; Rom. 8:19-22) No Fall, no sin No sin, no problems Modern approaches to parenting largely inadequate and misguided E.g. Jonathan Edwards vs. “self-esteem” Original sin should promote humility in our children (and us!)
Covenant Theology Family in some sense makes children “holy” (1Cor. 7:14) Blessings of being in the believing community Community of believers plays vital role in raising children in the faith OT: Faith personal, but largely transmitted through family (Gen 17) NT: God often deals with families, not just individuals (e.g. Ac. 11:4; 1 Cor. 1:16)
Covenant Theology, cont. Basis of infant baptism Christian parents thus have hope for salvation of their children Most of the next generation of Christians will come from the believers of this generation We share responsibility for all of the church’s children
Implications Covenant family to support nurture of children Restrain tendencies toward sin Direct toward Christian virtues Support goal of parenting