GISC Brasilia status report Doc25 (AI 2) WMO. TT-GISC 2016
Area of Responsability: WMO RA-III (South America) Connections: Washington, Buenos Aires, Offenbach, Exeter, Tokyo, Toulouse Other centers inside Brasil and Region III Daily traffic (October 2015): Input 376,636 bulletins - 5.3 GBytes per day Output 2,096,221 bulletins - 27.5 GBytes per day Daily traffic (March 2016): Input 601,789 bulletins - 8.8 GBytes per day Output 2,756,201 bulletins - 35.6 GBytes per day Type of connections: Internet 2 links at 64 Mbps 1 link at 1 Gbps TT-GISC 2016
At the moment GISC Brasilia is reviewing its network infrastructure. Back up: GISC Washington and Pretoria is under investigation (What should we back up?) At the moment GISC Brasilia is reviewing its network infrastructure. A New monitoring system is under consideration. A SIEM system is under development. GISC Brasilia has got an IPv6 range of address TT-GISC 2016
GISC Brasilia is involved in the discussion of the new Hidrological Information System (HIS) At the moment GISC Brasilia was able to harvast their metadata, using OAI-PHM interface to prove the concept. TT-GISC 2016
Thank you for your attention TT-GISC 2016