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Welcome to Verdal Upper Secondary School In cooperation around education and development
Our school Approximately 570 students in the age of 16 – 19 years old. Employing 100 teachers of a total staff of around 140. The school offers 6 out of totally 12 educational programs, both general and vocational ones.
Number of students VG1 VG2 VG3 General Studies including supplementary year 46 44 88 178 Sport 29 26 12 67 Technical and General Studies 6 6 12 24 Health/Social Care and General Studies (start 2016/17) 19 19 288 Health and Social Care 29 35 64 Building and Construction Trades 47 40 87 Technical Trades and Industrial Production 19 19 38 Service and Transport 14 17 31 3AOS/3LKS 13 13 233 Total 521
Kristin Eklo Elisabeth Brørs Guri B. Hårberg Per Arve Hammer Principal Harald Morten Steen General studies, sports & physics Kristin Eklo General studies Elisabeth Brørs Healthcare, Childhood and Youth development, Technical and Industrial Production, service & transport Guri B. Hårberg Building and Construction, external courses and adult education Per Arve Hammer Vice-principal (Special education, social services, library, ICT, building, cleaning Bjørn Sivert Woll Inspectors Morten Lyngstad, Elin F. Myrholdt Manager of finance Rita Peckel
General studies Programmes for general studies: Programme for Sports and Physical Education Programme for Specialization in General Studies: - Natural Science and Mathematics Studies - Languages, Social Sciences and Economics Studies The Programme for Specialization in General Subjects is the biggest one, attended by about one third of the students.
Vocational education Vocational Education and Training Programmes: Healthcare, Childhood and Youth development Service and Transport Building and Construction Technical and Industrial Production
Extra educational programmes Adult education – about 250 students in age 19 – 30 years old Students with no apprenticeship Two different prouvisons of courses
UN– OD – International week International focus In October and November: UN– OD – International week 5 Erasmus+ - projects: 3 in Germany– BC, TIP 1 in Finland - HC 1 in Spain- SC
Cooperation More than 160 cooperation agreements with local businesses and the public sector in the county.
Learning based on innovation and entrepreneurship ??? Learning based on innovation and entrepreneurship Emphasized focus in kindergarten and schools from 0 to 19 years Entrepreneurial skills A vocational and practical focus in education Joint strategic investment in basic skills “The world's best professional”
Future In cooperation around education and development 165 comanies and 3300 employies
Social pedagogical service Our focus is to be a diverse and equitable school in which students succeeding academically, socially and indivually. We have: Milieu therapist, phsycologist, School nurse, advisers, practical-ped. service.
Celebrating 40 years of students’ success in cooperation around education and development in Verdal community 40 years 1976 – 2016