Mid Day Meal Scheme PAB-MDM Meeting – Odisha 15.03.2017 Ministry of HRD Government of India Rice Fortification MDM Mela
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Part-I Review of Implementation of MDMS in ODISHA (Primary + Upper Primary) (1.4.16 to 31.12.16) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Best Practices Food security allowance paid to 162 children in Nawarangpur. Web and App based MDM information system developed for daily Monitoring of beneficiaries, weekly Consumption of IFA tablets & Cook-Cum-Helpers absenteeism. E-transfer of funds to all Schools & direct transfer of Honorarium in bank account of all CCHs and accounts are aadhar linked. Rs. 0.45 paisa at Pry & Rs. 0.65 paisa at U.Pry – Addl. Contribution towards Cooking cost from State budget. 61 Food samples tested and all found meeting the norms. Egg / banana is provided twice a week. The fortification project scaled up from iron fortification in Gajapati district to multi micro nutrient in Dhenkanal district & Centralized Kitchen in Cuttack. Ama Madhyan Bhojan Rosei Ghar with all composite features of Model Kitchen-shed constructed from State Budget. MDM Awareness Mela organised since 2013 onwards every year.
Issues 54% kitchen-cum-stores constructed. 31608 (46%) not yet completed. There is no change in the progress of construction in 2014-15, 2015-16 & 2016-17. 14737 (24%) schools using LPG, rest 47971 (76%) schools using firewood 150 days (-19 days) covered against the approval of 169 days upto Dec 16. No meeting of District level committee headed by the Senior most MP of the Lok Sabha in 21 districts. Mismatch of data entries in MIS and AWP&B 2017-18. Daily beneficiary data of all 62708 schools yet to be reported in AMS.
Coverage : Institutions Existing Vs Achievement (Pry) No. of Institutions 100% 100% 100% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage Institutions Existing Vs Achievement (U. Pry) No. of Institutions 100% 100% 100% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : Children Enrolment Vs Achievement (Pry) No. of Children (in lakhs) 89% 87% 90% In Bolangir only 71% coverage was reported Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : Children Enrolment Vs Achievement (UPry) No. of Children (in lakhs) 89% 83% 85% In Bolangir only 66% coverage was reported Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Coverage : RBSK Details Institutions Children Total in State 62708 5104795 Health Check UP 41031 3066657 (60%) IFA Distribution 51015 8973309 (175%) Deworming Tablets 46957 3558415 (70%) Spectacles 10580 24638 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Payment of cost of Food grains to FCI up to December, 2016 Cost of Food Grain (Rs. In Lakh ) 100% As per FCI statement the outstanding position against issue of food grains upto January 2017, is Rs. 419.95 Lakh (14.28%). Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
FOOD GRAIN : ALLOCATION vs. UTILISATION Quantity in MTs 64% 65% 61% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
COOKING COST: ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Lakh 63% 61% 62% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Approval Vs Achievement Engagement of Cooks-cum-Helpers upto 31.12.16 Primary + Upper Primary No. of Cook –Cum-Helpers 88% 17093 CCH not engaged. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Payment of Honorarium to CCH Rs. In Lakh 69% 61% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
MME: ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Lakhs 72% 67% 95% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Transportation Assistance : ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Lakhs 56% 57% 58% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Achievement up to 2016-17 (Kitchen cum Stores) Total Sanctioned : 69152 Kitchen Cum Stores Progress (in %) 37544 31608 There is no change in the progress of construction during 2014-15, 2015-16 & 2016-17. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Achievement up to 2016-17 (Kitchen Devices) Total Sanctioned : 67883 (New) Progress (in %) All units procured Total Replacements: 66383 Procured : 66383 (100%) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Summary of performance - Physical Percentage
Summary of performance – Financial Percentage
Comparison of data: MIS vs AWP&B Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Score Card all components : 3 years 2016-17 2014-15 2015-16
Analysis of State’s Proposal for 2017-18 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for 2017-18: Children (Primary) No. of children (in lakhs) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for 2017-18: Children (Upper Primary) No. of children (in lakhs) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposals and Recommendations S. N Component PAB Approval 2016-17 State’s Proposal for 2017-18 Recommendation by the Appraisal Team-2017-18 1 Children (Pry) 3021006 3182674 2961774 2 Children (U Pry) 1650225 1922121 1657912 3 NCLP 4 Working Days – Pry & Upy 240 239 5 Working Days – NCLP NIL 6 Cook cum Helpers 145522 (No Additional) 7 Drought - Children (Pry) 2075360 8 Drought - Children (U Pry) 898719 9 Drought - Working days 39 10 Drought-Cook-cum-helpers 73323 11 Kitchen cum Store 12 Kitchen Devices (New) 13 Kitchen Devices (Rep.) 14 Notional requirement of Central Assistance Rs. 51113.84 lakhs including Drought Rs. 50976.80 lakh Rs. 46695.90 Lakh
Proposal for Construction of Kitchen-cum-Store No. of institutions eligible for Kitchen cum store Sanctioned Constructed through convergence Gap Proposal 62632 69152 14509 Nil Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for Procurement of Kitchen Devices No. of institutions Sanctioned Procured through convergence Gap State’s Proposal for New Procurement State’s Proposal for Replacement 62708 67883 Not eligible for replacement as kitchen devices were not sanctioned in the FY 2011-12. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for Cook-cum-helper engaged in MDM Scheme PAB Approval 2016-17 Already Engaged Additional Requirement Proposal for FY 2017-18 145522 128429 NIL 17093 CCH not engaged Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Best Practice: Detailed Contingency Plan for MDMS To prevent Mid day Meal mishaps, Standard operating procedure of the mid day meal contingency plan has been executed for the first time in the country in Odisha. SOP of the Plan covers the following parameters: Monitoring. Health & hygiene To save the life of the child ,Precaution to control Untoward Incidents Food Poisoning Fire Accidents Water Contamination Waste Disposal. LET US HAVE CARE , CONCERN & CAUTION FOR QUALITY MID DAY MEAL
Suggestions and proposals of the State Low transportation cost for hilly areas. Abrupt increase in the market price ingredients of Mid Day Meal like dal, Oil, vegetables etc. Very low honorarium of Cook-cum-Helper. Disparity of cooking cost of Primary & Upper Primary. Enhancement of percentage of MME cost. Constraint of Dining Hall.
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Thank You Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India