Dive into web development Introduction A. Kovalyov, BSUIR, 610902
What is web development? Ranges from single-page apps to the complex client-server apps Two main categories: front-end and backend
Front-end Programming language – JavaScript Markup – HTML Styles and design – CSS
JavaScript Untyped Interpreted Supported by all modern browsers
Backend Business logic Databases Front-end requests data from backend and displays it to a user Popular backend languages are Python PHP Ruby JavaScript (NodeJS)
Web frameworks Bundle with functions that allow you create web application faster There are front-end and backend frameworks Some popular frameworks today: Django Ruby on Rails NodeJS React (front-end)
How to start? Learn basics of HTML and CSS Document Object Model representation (DOM) Try JavaScript Backend: Learn how front-end communicates with backend apps (HTTP) Try basics of backend languages (Python, Ruby, PHP, C#, Java) Start using frameworks
Diligence is the mother of success.
To sum up Web development is popular today There are many different branches and technologies to try It’s really interesting, you’ll like it :)