Lesson 3: Conductors and Insulators
Conductors and insulators affect the ability of heat to transfer between objects or substances.
A conductor is a material that transmits energy. Heat can pass easily through a conductor.
Examples of conductors of heat: Copper Aluminum Silver
An insulator is a material that prevents the flow of energy. Heat cannot pass easily through an insulator.
Examples of insulating materials: Plastic Wood Rubber Styrofoam
In most cases, metals make the best conductors of heat In most cases, metals make the best conductors of heat. Plastic and wood are good insulators.
Discovery Education Video: Conductors and Insulators This clip discusses conductors by using a heated steel rod with wax holding tacks as an example. As the rod is heated on one end by a burner, the heat is spread throughout the rod as molecules excite the molecules next to them. Poor conductors are known as insulators.
Discovery Education Video: Thermal Conductance Conduction is the only way thermal energy transfers in a solid. Conduction properties of solids vary; properties of conductors and insulators are presented.
Key Questions: 1. What is the difference between conductors and insulators? 2. What types of material make good conductors of heat? Give examples you have seen of these materials used to conduct heat. 3. What type of materials make good insulators? Give examples you have seen of these insulating materials used.