Chapter 1: Introduction to Personal Health Personal Health: Perspectives and Lifestyles (4th Edition) Floyd, Mimms, & Yelding Prepared by: Amy Rowland, Ph.D.
Chapter Objectives Write two definitions or descriptions of health Define wellness and list its components Differentiate the three phases of prevention Name the 10 leading causes of death for adults in the United States
Chapter Objectives Identify two reasons why knowing your family’s history is important to your health List the top 10 underlying causes of death identified in the Journal of the American Medical Association Indicate one National Health Observance (to include the month and days, if applicable) that you are willing to promote to family and friends
Definitions of Health World Health Organization, “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Webster’s dictionary, “the condition of being sound in body, mind, and spirit…freedom from physical disease or pain.” Health has evolved to mean “having the energy to do the things I care about.”
Components of Wellness Wellness, a relatively new term, refers to the adoption of a healthy lifestyle which will enhance well-being and decrease risk for disease.
Components of Wellness Physical Mental/Intellectual Emotional Social Environmental Spiritual
Types of Prevention Primary Secondary Tertiary Taking measures to stop a problem before it begins Secondary Detecting a health problem so negative consequences can be lessened Tertiary Taking care of people after they get ill
Leading Causes of Death
Underlying Causes of Death
Family Health History Knowing this helps to determine disease risks Also assists with planning prevention strategies