Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail Safety Groups Validation Audits for firms in Years 1-5 Tom Welton Workplace Safety North 1
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail Agenda Background Pre-Audit Process On Site : Discussion Before Start of Audit Audit Process –SG Program Requirement and Validation Audit Evidence for the five steps Maintenance Program Requirement and Validation Evidence Workplace Interviews and Tour Scoring Forms 2
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail Background Sponsor coaches firms and ensures firms meet SG program requirements Audit process focuses on 2012 Year End Achievement report and the elements reported as complete as this represents 75% of the score Maintenance Reports are then reviewed and account for max. 25% of validation score Firms are expected to implement standards based on minimum requirements in SG Employer Guidelines, communicate, train, evaluate and acknowledge success and make improvements for each standard/element 3
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail Pre-Audit Process Sponsor notified by from SG Consultant SG Consultant contacts firm by phone or . (Will make contact with person noted on the Year End Achievement Report) Advise firm that the audit may take up to half a day and includes : –Review of documentation –Interviews –Plant/site tour SG Consultant will bring a copy of the firms 2012 Year End & Maintenance Reports, the Employer Guidelines and audit template to each audit 4
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail On Site Audit: SG Consultant to review with firm at start of audit. Review audit template that is used by all SG consultants. Explain scoring, noting each element requires the verification of documentation for each of the 5 steps for each element; no part marks for incomplete element. Score is provided after documentation review, interviews and site tour. 60 % is a pass = eligible for group share of rebate In case of failure, firm is advised that sponsor will be contacted ASAP by SG Consultant to provide details. Copy of audit template completed with our notes/comments, to be signed, scored, copied and provided to firm prior to leaving premises. Letter summarizing audit score and results to be ed to firm and sponsor copied. 5
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail The Five Steps 6
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail The Audit Process : Step 1 Set Standards SG Program Requirement : Page 11 of SG Guidelines –Written Statements outlining expectations, policies, procedures and workplace rules for health and safety. Each program element must have a standard that tells everyone in the workplace what to do, how to do it and when. Validation Audit Evidence : –Compare their standard against program element requirements as noted in Employer Guidelines –Check that standard is dated/revised/reviewed in 2012 –Review any specific company expectations set out in their standard; firms must meet the legislated requirements and their own company expectations –Verify implementation of their standard i.e. regular workplace inspections meeting the legislative minimum requirements & documentation of the workplace inspections 7
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail The Audit Process: Step 2 Communication SG Program Requirement: Page 13 of SG Guidelines –Ensuring that ALL appropriate people have a clear understanding of what is expected of them as employees and what they can expect from others regarding health and safety –ALL communication must be completed by December 31 st 2012 Validation Audit Evidence Documentation of: –Ensure communication was conducted in 2012 either by ; Meeting minutes Memos Safety talk agenda and minutes Bulletin board, postings (i.e. H&S Policy) Paystuffer, newsletter 8
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail The Audit Process: Step 3 Training SG Program Requirement : Pages of SG Guidelines Management, supervisors and workers ALL attain the knowledge and skills appropriate for the jobs. For each element, it must be determined who needs what skills and knowledge and how will the training be delivered. ALL training must be completed and/or verified by December 31 st 2012 Validation Audit Evidence Documentation of: Review training records including sign off sheets and/or certificates required for each element to ensure ALL appropriate staff have completed the training in 2012 Examples of training delivery –Orientation training –Classroom Training sessions –Demonstrations by supervisors –Observing another co-worker (mentoring or buddy system) –Safety talks 9
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail The Audit Process: Step 4 Evaluation SG Program Requirements: Page of SG Guidelines Evaluation makes sure the firm is carrying out the standard, the element is properly communicated and effective training has taken place. Checks for up to date standards and if the workplace is following the standard. An evaluation plan may be completed by March 30, Validation Audit Evidence Documentation of : Analysis of observations/inspections/plant or job-site audits Survey of employees/supervisors – interviews or questionnaire summarizing results Quizzes of employees / supervisors – summarizing results and action planning Statistical review & analysis - i.e. WSIB information Review and analysis by JHSC (minutes) Management review and analysis Third party assessment and analysis Completion of evaluation plan by March 30,
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail The Audit Process Step 5 Make Improvements and Acknowledge Success SG Program Requirement : Page 18 SG Guidelines Based on results of evaluation, firm to look for opportunities for improvement and create a documented plan or recommendations to implement changes Recognize everyone who contributed to successful incident prevention activities by meeting and surpassing company standards Validation Audit Evidence Documentation of: –Review action plan addressing the gaps identified in their evaluation –Review documentation of either: –performance evaluations –letter/memo from president, –health & safety awards, –public recognition for JHSC and/or employees, staff meeting, banquet etc, –newsletter article, –bulletin board display 11
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail The Audit Process: Maintenance of Elements SG Program Requirements: Pages of SG Guidelines Purpose is to continually improve the H&S management system Firms need to reassess/audit the Five Steps of previous elements Reviewing the elements or standards and asking for feedback from employees involves them in the health and safety program and their commitment to participate. Validation Audit Evidence Documentation of: Firm is required to provide documents that demonstrate how the organization has : annually reviewed previous elements & evaluated previous elements, when, by whom and action taken ie. Identifying re-communication and/or training needs 12
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail Workplace Interviews and Tour Purpose is to verify employees and/or supervisors understanding of elements audited Random selection of persons to interview for brief one on one discussion (without management present) No documentation of persons interview. Reference to department or area only Sample Questions per element/standards available as a resource Verify evidence noted from document review ie:H&S board postings, JHSC meeting minutes, workplace inspections, pre-start inspections for forklifts, first aid log book and/or first aid certificates posted. 13
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail Audit Validation Scoring 14
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail Audit Validation Scoring (cont.) Maintenance Elements 1 st year in SG Program –No maintenance 2 nd year in SG –each element worth 5 % 3 rd year –each element worth 2.5% 4 th year –each element worth 1.67% 5 th year –each element worth 1.25% Maximum Maintenance Score is 25% 15
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail Year End Achievement Report 2012 Pg 65 16
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de lassurance contre les accidents du travail Year End Maintenance Report pg 67 17