36/38 rue des Mathurins Paris Tel :
WHO ARE WE? TM International is aTM International is a recruitment agency operating exclusively in the selection of bilingual or multilingual Secretaries and Personal Assistants with fluency in English, French or other languages. Established in Paris in 1990, we are a small team of anglo- saxon consultants. We work with international companies of all size and in every sector, mainly in the Île de France region. Our clients include: Bristol Myers Squibb, McKinsey, Schneider Electric, Edmond de Rothschild …
You benefit from added value: you save time and money on the recruitment process. You get the best candidates, specifically targeted to suit your needs and culture. You develop a great relationship of trust with our friendly and professional consultants who specialize in bilingual assistants and secretaries. WHY TM INTERNATIONAL ?
ADDED VALUE Your benefits: Less time spent on recruitment Advertising: We advertise across a variety of networks, publications and of course our website to find the top candidates at no extra cost for you We offer expert advice from well-established industry professionals Risk free: Payment is only made when the hiring process is completed We offer a 3 month replacement guarantee Competitive rates (% of annual salary)
200 CVs received at TM every week Telephone interview: verify linguistic competence Invitation to TM : language test and interview with consultants The best candidate to meet your needs THE BEST CANDIDATE
RELATION DURABLE DE CONFIANCE A votre écoute pour cerner vos besoins en termes de compétences et personnalité Confidentialité et intégrité Efficacité et réactivité en recrutement Transparence et communication entre vous et les candidats Coordination du processus dembauche le cas échéant
Louise Healy & Tanya Ireland 36/38 rue des Mathurins Paris Tel : TM INTERNATIONAL