1. Learn 20 new vocab terms; 15 PSSA / SAT related concepts EQ: How can I use vocabulary to improve my reading and writing skills? 1. Learn 20 new vocab terms; 15 PSSA / SAT related concepts 2. Understand the role ‘part of speech’ plays in sentence construction 3. Understand the role synonyms and antonyms play in improving reading comprehension and elevating the level of one’s writing.
1. Word a day calendar ; Vocab journal EQ: How can I improve my vocab? 1. Word a day calendar ; Vocab journal 2. Read, read and read some more!!!!! 3. Make word associations (images, root words, etc…) 4. Make flash cards (THEY REALLY DO WORK!) 5. Make it a game: quiz each other at lunch
EQ: How can I improve my vocab? Create a game: Vocab Battleship! or Image Matching
1. accrue – to grow or accumulate over time (V) 2. annotation – an explanatory note (N) 3. bedlam – a state or scene of uproar (N)
4. covert – hidden; disguised (Adj.) 5. debonair – pleasant, courteous, smooth and polished (Adj.) 6. dun – to demand insistently (V) or a creditor (N) or dark; dingy (Adj.)
7. efficacious – effective, producing results (Adj.) 8. equanimity – calmness, composure (N) 9. fortuitous – accidental, occurring by a happy chance (Adj.)
10. gist – the essential part, main point (N) 11. gratuitous – freely given (Adj.) 12. imperious – overbearing, arrogant (Adj.)
13. invective – abusive language (N) or abusive (Adj.) 14. motley – composed of different elements or many colors (Adj.) or a jester or his costume (N) 15. munificent – extremely generous, lavish (Adj.)
16. procrastinate – to delay (V) 17. provocative – arousing desire or appetite; annoying (Adj.) 18. recondite – exceeding ordinary knowledge; understanding (Adj.)
19. reprobate – a depraved, vicious person (N) or wicked, corrupt (Adj 19. reprobate – a depraved, vicious person (N) or wicked, corrupt (Adj.) or to disapprove (V) 20. sedentary – characterized by continued sitting; remaining in one place (Adj.)