Welcome to AVID 11 Parent/Student Meeting! “It’s a matter of PRIDE!”
Who is the AVID 11 Team? Denise Guzman: dguzman@murrieta.k12.ca.us 951-677-0568 Ext: 6478 Letty Krogh: lkrogh@murrieta.k12.ca.us 951-677-0568 Ext. 6305 Philip Norton: pnorton@Murrieta.k12.ca.us 951-677-0568 Ext. 6252 AVID Administrator: Steve Ellis sellis@murrieta.k12.ca.us 951-677-0568 Ext. 6498 AVID Counselor: Lisa Amstutz lamstsutz@murrieta.k12.ca.us
The Forgetting Curve Based on a one-hour lecture Reviewing regularly helps you retain material Used correctly, the Cornell notes system will help students accomplish this
11th Grade AVID Highlights This is the students last year to paint their academic portrait for college! All Students should challenge themselves w/ level of Rigor. The GOAL is to take at least 1 AP Course before Graduation! Rigor = Thinking / Difference between “Doing Work and Studying” AP courses= Depth not breadth All students should establish “study time” for the SAT/ ACT 2 hours per week during 1st Semester 5 hours per week during 2nd Semester ***Student can use Khan Academy
11th Grade AVID Highlights All students should take the PSAT (Saturday Oct. 14/ Register w/ bookkeeper by Oct. 15- $32) All Students must take the SAT/ACT in this year. SAT- www.collegeboard.com Oct 3/Nov 7/January 23 ACT- www.act.org Feb 6/April 9/ June 11 All students should establish “study time” for the SAT/ ACT 2 hours per week during 1st Semester 5 hours per week during 2nd Semester
11th Grade AVID Highlights Students interested in applying to the UC System: Do not require SAT Subject Tests for fall 2017 admission, but you may submit scores on these if you want to show your mastery of a particular subject. Some campuses may recommend certain Subject Tests for various competitive majors (ie: engineering, nursing). Also, you may use them to satisfy “A-G" requirements. All Students should actively participate in the college search process. www.csumentor.com www.californiacolleges.edu www.collgedata.com www.collegeboard.com
College Admission Requirements A-G Requirements: History/Social Science-2 years required English-4 years required Mathematics-3 required, 4 recommended Lab Science-2 required, 3 recommended Foreign Language-2 required, 3 recommended Visual and Performing Arts- 1 year required College Prep electives-1 year required ** Recommended courses set the students apart *** Course level, advanced and AP, better develop students to be “college ready” and demonstrate rigor.
What colleges are looking for: Cal State Eligibility Index: 2900 Minimum (GPA x800 + SAT Math + Critical Reading) 3400 min. target index UC Admissions Index: SAT (Math, Critical Reading and Writing) Scale Based on GPA (3.0 minimum to apply) Comprehensive Review Process up to 14 factors (depending on campus) Personal statement
College Freshman Profile 11-12
SAT vs. ACT SAT ACT Test Type Aptitude Achievement Subjects Critical Reading/Writing Math English Reading Science Writing Sections 9 Sections + Essay 4 Sections + Essay Testing Time 3 hours, 45 minutes 3 hours, 25 minutes Test Price $ 57 $56.50
SAT vs. ACT SAT ACT Register Test Dates Scoring Additional Information www.collegeboard.com www.act.org Test Dates Oct. 1, 2016 March11, 2017 Nov. 5, 2016 May 6, 2017 Jan. 21 2016 June 10, 2017 February 11, 2017 April 8, 2017 June 3, 2017 Scoring 1600 Total Score Critical Reading 200-800 Math 200-800 Writing 200-800 Essay 2-8 Composite Score of 36 Average Score from 4 Sections 21 Average College Bound Score Additional Information No penalty for guessing now No penalty for guessing Question may be worded in a tricky manner, challenging vocabulary Slightly higher Math, but questions are more user friendly, English and vocabulary are more manageable
College Field Trip General Guidelines: 3-day charter bus trip to Central and Northern California. Dates: February 14-16, 2017 Visit 6-8 Colleges (State/ Private/UC) Estimated Cost $300-Deposit of $150.00 is due no later than December 2nd, 2016. Final payment of $150.00 is due no later than January 27th, 2017. Significant Requirements: Good Academic Standing-Not on Probation (No D’s or F’s) Registered for SAT or ACT
How can parents help? Encourage students to come to school daily! Be active with www.mesarams.com and the ABI portal (passwords available from Ms. Boze). tboze@murrieta.k12.ca.us Discuss with students selection of tutorial group they will join on tutorial day. Occasionally review a page of notes. Use questions developed by students to help review for concepts and tests. Have weekly checks of organization
How can parents help? (cont.) Discuss colleges and if possible, visit colleges Force your children to “Develop an Attitude” about their education- Don’t let them cruise- the competition is not! Encourage/ force students to use the resources provided to them in AVID. BE SAT WISE- Mock Exam & Boot Camp Khan Academy-SAT Prep (in progress in all AVID 11 classrooms) Good resources: Attend AVID Parent Nights Attend Counseling Parent Night (applications, financial aid, etc.) www.csumentor.edu -CSU Information www.aiccu.edu www.collegeboard.com –Test taking/ College Planning Association of Independent Colleges & Universities www.avidonline.org -AVID Resource www.ucop.edu -UC Information www.mesarams.com -MMHS Webpage