Welcome! 2017 Fall Football Player/Parent Informational Meeting Eric Lehtola Assistant Principal for Student Activities
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Activities Foster Success in Later Life! Students who are involved in extra- curricular activities have: Higher GPAs Fewer Absences Fewer Discipline Referrals Higher Graduation Rates Activities Foster Success in Later Life!
Outline for the night Trends in Education-Based Athletics Registration Basics Procedural Items Informational Items Break-out Sessions
What was your WHY? A theme here at Andover HS When you decided to have your son play football, why did you do it? NFL? College Scholarship? Starting QB? RB? Camaraderie? Teamwork? Fitness? Work Ethic? Sense of Accomplishment?
Characteristics we hope to develop: Passion Concern Perseverance Grit Education Honesty Commitment Respect Courage Humility Compassion Determination Friendship Growth Family Balance Humor Service Care Development Kindness Resiliency Dedication Pride It’s WHY WE PLAY!
Purpose Statements Our players and coaches will show integrity, honesty and trustworthiness toward their teammates, classmates and family in all situations. We will be reliable and will not let our friends and family down when they are counting on us. We will do our best and give our best effort on the field, off the field and in the classroom.
Purpose Statements I want to develop a culture of success by fostering athletes to become great leaders. By creating a positive environment and showing genuine enthusiasm for the players improvement I will assist the players in developing a passion for the game. To teach kids to strive for excellence in everything that they do. To know that the effort matters more than the outcome.
Purpose Statements I coach to instill a sense of passion in players for the sport of football, while developing young men who are accountable and respectful of their peers and leaders. I coach to take young men on the journey that high school football is to help them develop as young men and become more mature, have more empathy, more caring for others, to toughen them and make them confident in who they are.
North Central Football District Blue Division Andover Buffalo Cambridge-Isanti Chisago Lakes Elk River Monticello Rogers St. Francis
Section 7AAAAA Andover Cambridge-Isanti Chisago Lakes Coon Rapids Duluth East St. Francis
Registration Basics Includes Concussion Information MSHSL Eligibility Form (Read carefully!) Includes Concussion Information *Concussion Baseline Testing Available Health Care Emergency Record Sports Physical Exam (3 years) Academic Requirements Participation Fee
District Website Access Go to www.anoka.k12.mn.us Click the “Lock and Key” icon This takes you to your IdAuto Login site (aka AH Connect) Use PARENT LOG-IN! Must have a current physical to use 7th/8th graders not eligible for this 506-HELP Deanna can still help you 506-8409
Activity Fees Listed in Fee Pay/Eligibility Bulletin Free/Reduced Lunch Individual/Family Maximums $650/$850 10 days for Refund Passes for Admission $70 for $100 for families $40 for $20 for students SENIOR CITIZENS FREE!!!
Activities Calendar Complete up-to-the-minute game schedules Go to the Andover HS website Click Activities Calendar Personalize your view
Calendar Choose Activities Calendar from the dropdown menu
If you still need help… Deanna Nutter 763-506-8409 deanna.nutter@ahschools.us Eric Lehtola 763-506-8420 eric.lehtola@ahschools.us Fax 763-506-8403 We are here to help! We will post this PPt on our Website! www.anoka.k12.mn.us/andoverhs
Transition Some Sensitive Subjects… Outside Resource
A Sensitive Message to Parents https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature =player_detailpage&v=geufhfqUi5s He refers to BB, but message translates to all youth sports
Channels of Communication Student-Athlete talks with Coach Self-advocacy is part of educational process Student-Athlete talks with Parent Parent talks with Coach 24-hour Rule Parent talks with Activities Director Meeting Scheduled Coaches are Human!
Issues not appropriate to discuss with the coach Team selection Playing time Team strategy Play calling/systems Other student-athletes
Concerns about Chemical Use We are concerned Basics (2/2, 3/6, Done) “Guilt by Association” “Code of Conduct” Social Networking Sites You should see the pics I get! 5 days = 2 weeks
Other thoughts… Hang around good people THINK before you DO! Be Honest with your Parents Conduct yourself with CLASS and RESPECT!
Children Today “Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up their food, and tyrannize their teachers.”
Children Today “Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up their food, and tyrannize their teachers.” -- Socrates (400 BC)
Our Athletic Trainer Carissa Fleek, ATC Email: cfleek1@Fairview.org Office Phone Number: 763-506-8440 If you’re injured, tell your coach!
Our Athletic Trainer
Questions??? Deanna Nutter 763-506-8409 deanna.nutter@ahschools.us Eric Lehtola 763-506-8420 eric.lehtola@ahschools.us We are here to help! Follow us on Twitter: @AndHSHuskies #HuskiesHS