ACE Program Ninth Grade
Shout Outs! To: Galen Hilton To: Jazmine Smith From: Mr. Barker From: Ms. Zephir Strength: Social Intelligence Description: Her leadership in my soprano section is strong and though she is smart and capable (and loud about it) she is able to gain their respect easily. To: Galen Hilton From: Mr. Barker Strength: Social Intelligence and Persistence Description: Always willing to show classmates ways to solve problems and constantly engaged in classwork. To: Tyona Backus From: Ms. Zephir Strength: Persistence Description: Even though she entered my class after all the basics were covered, she has persevered and mastered the missed content and is doing very well! To: Arianna Randall From: Mr. Barker Strength: Social Intelligence Description: Participating in class and persevering through problems. To: Rubio Gomez From: Mr. Barker Strength: Social Intelligence Description: Fully engaged in every lesson and refusing to fail.
Shout Outs! To: Ashaan Price To: Charles Lund From: Ms. Sheeler Strength: Persistence Description: Always being on task and being a good role model for other band students. To: Charles Lund From: Mr. Barker Strength: Social Intelligence Description: Assisting classmates, engaged in the lesson, presenting work to the class. To: Tywan Campbell From: Mr. Barker Strength: Social Intelligence Description: Class participation, helping classmates, and helping classmates stay on task. To: Dwayne Bullock From: Ms. Renzi Strength: Social Intelligence Description: Answering math questions when few other students were raising their hands! To: Adrielli Clavico From: Ms. Kummer Strength: Persistence Description: Coming after school to make sure she understands the materials. To: Kaela Puryear From: Mr. Barker Strength: Persistence Description: Solving problems that are extremely challenging and arriving at the correct solutions.
Shout Outs! To: Ivy Newton From: Mr. Barker Strength: Persistence Description: Solving the most complex problems and arriving at a solution. To: Zahra Kahrim From: Ms. Lowman Strength: Persistence Description: Showing persistence in the measurement lab. To: Isaac Hohman From: Ms. Blackert Strength: Persistence Description: For getting all his work made up when out of school. To: Deanna Bailey From: Ms. Kummer Strength: Social Intelligence Description: Communicating and asking questions in a really mature and respectful way To: Mr. Wilner From: Ms. Kummer Strength: Citizenship Description: Staying late even on the really hot days to allow soccer player to come for study hall To: Hajrah Jalil From: Ms. Blackert Strength: Citizenship Description: For being focused during Ms. Andrew’s guidance lessonn
Shout Outs! To: Darryl Barkside To: Mr. Barker From: Ms. Lowman Strength: Persistence and Social Intelligence Description: Completing all of his work to the best of his ability. Constantly contributing to a positive learning environment. To: Mr. Barker From: Ms. Renzi Strength: Kindness Description: Helping me during our 6:00 am crisis! To: Zahra Kahrim From: Ms. Lowman Strength: Persistence Description: Showing persistence in the measurement lab.
Put them in Ms. Renzi’s mailbox in the front office. Shout Outs! Submit yours for next week! They can be from… Student to student Student to teacher Teacher to student Teacher to Teacher Pick up forms from the Shout Out board (located across from the guidance office), or from your teachers. Put them in Ms. Renzi’s mailbox in the front office.
Get Involved! Citizenship in the O! Cross Country Get in shape, prepare for a winter sport, make some friends…Overlea XC offers ALL of that! Practice M/W/Th/F with study hall both W & Th Meets are held on Tuesdays See Coach Single in 312 or Coach Brown in the weight room (or just about everywhere) Get Involved! Citizenship in the O!
Chess Club Get Involved! Citizenship in the O! Meets Tuesdays after school in room 308 with Mr. Benjes All levels of chess skill are welcome Come play America's most exciting game! Get Involved! Citizenship in the O!
Yearbook Photos! Say CHEEEEESE!! Underclassmen are scheduled to take their headshots September 24th and 25th.
American Government classes Binder Checks! Friday, September 11 and Tuesday, September 15 American Government classes Binders will be graded using the scoring tool you received in American Government class last week. BE SURE YOUR PLANNER has something recorded for EVERY class! Suggestion - write “binder check” if you do not have homework in a class! Otherwise it should say “none.”
Come out and get involved in the JROTC. See Col Come out and get involved in the JROTC! See Col. Smith or any of the ROTC students for more information.
This week’s HOME events: JV Football vs. New Town High School – Thursday, 6:00 pm JV Girls Volleyball vs. Perry Hall High School – Friday, 3:45 pm Varsity Girls Volleyball vs. Perry Hall High School – Friday, 5:00 pm Varsity Football vs. Perry Hall High School – Friday, 7:00 pm
This weekend’s AWAY events: Boys and Girls Soccer at Randallstown – Thursday, 4:00 pm
Come out and support the O! Show your Overlea pride and citizenship!
What else would you like to see? These weekly announcements are designed to celebrate the good things that you are doing, and to help keep you informed about activities going on in our community. Do you have any suggestions that you would like for us to consider when making these announcements? Please share them with your ninth grade teachers – or Ms. Renzi.