Solar System Solar System My very easy method just speeds up naming planets.
Sun The sun is a star not a planet. The visible part of the sun is 5,500 degrees, but the inside is over 15,000,000. Water boils at 100 degrees.
Mercury This is the closest planet to the sun. This is a bit bigger then the earth’s moon. Temperature drops to minus 170 degrees at night, and over 400 degrees during day.
Venus This is the second closest planet to the sun. It is slightly smaller then the earth. It is over 450 degrees day and night.
Earth This is third closest planet to the sun. The average surface temperature of 14 degrees Celsius. The only planet to have life. Earth has oceans which covers a lot of the planet.
Mars This is fourth closest planet to the sun. This is just the half size of earth. This is a dusty planet and it is very cold. Mars has lots of hills and it is very red.
Jupiter This is fifth closest planet to the sun. This is the biggest planet in the solar system. The average temperature is minus 145 degrees.
Saturn This is sixth closest planet to the sun. This planet is a bit smaller then Jupiter. The average temperature is minus 178 degrees.
Uranus This is seventh closest planet to the sun. It nearly four times bigger then the earth. This planet is known as an ice giant. This planet is colourful.
Neptune This is the furthest planet from the sun. Neptune is about the same size as Uranus. This planet is also known as an ice giant. The world was given the name by Greek and roman mythology - Neptune, the Roman god of the sea
Pluto This is not classed as a planet any more but as a dwarf planet. It is smaller then the earths moon. Its temperature is between minus 223 and minus 233.