Kinesiology Chapter 1 Basic Information
Basic information… Kinesiology-study of movement Dynamic Static Related to human movement Musculoskeletal anatomy Neuromuscular physiology Principles of mechanics (biomechanics) Dynamic Kinetics- forces causing movement Kinematics- time, space and mass Static
Concepts to remember… Human body is arranged in a very logical way Visualize it!
Descriptive terminology… Anatomical position Standing Upright position Eyes facing forward Feet parallel and close together Arm at the sides-palms facing forward Fundamental position Palms facing the sides of the body
Terminology cont… Medial Lateral Anterior Posterior Ventral - anterior Dorsal-posterior Distal Proximal
What is what??
Terminology cont … Superior Inferior Cranial/cephalad- head Caudal-tail Cauda equina Superficial/Deep Bilateral/contralateral/ipsilateral Body segments- trunk, thorax, abdomen Upper extremities/lower extremities
Your turn!
Types of motion… Linear motion- translatory motion Rectilinear motion Curvilinear motion- curved path Angular motion- rotatory motion All parts move through the same angle, direction and time They do not move the same distance Combination E.g. wheelchair
Joint movements Occurs around joint axis and through planes Osteokinematics- bones moving around a joint axis (synovial joints) e.g. ABDUCTION Arthrokinematics- relationship of joint surface movement **e.g. what happens inside the articulation p6
Osteokinematics… Flexion- two segments closer, increased angle? anterior surfaces, mostly Knee vs. neck Extension- two segments moving away, return to anatomical position. *Hyperextension- continuation of extension Beyond anatomical position e.g. knee-female vs. males
Osteokinematics cont.. Abduction- away from midline Adduction- towards midline Exceptions fingers (3rd ) and toes (2nd) Horizontal abduction (90 degrees/shoulder flexion) Horizontal adduction (90 degrees/ shoulder flexion) Radial deviation Ulnar deviation
Osteokinematics cont… Lateral bending – trunk Lateral flexion not used in this book
Osteokinematics cont… Inversion –foot inward Eversion- foot outward Protraction- linear movement parallel to ground/away from midline Retraction-linear motion towards midline
Osteokinematics cont… Circumduction- cone-shaped pattern 4 motions Flexion Abduction Extension Adduction Rotation Medial rotation/internal rotation Lateral rotation/ external rotation Supination- palm up Pronation-palm down
Fill in the blank Medial, Superior, Proximal, Superficial, Anterior Lateral, Inferior, Distal, Deep and Posterior The tibia is the _____________bone of the lower leg, and the fibula is the__________ bone of the lower leg. B. The ribs are___________ to the scapula. C. The__________ end of the humerus is at the elbow joint. D. The brachialis muscle lies underneath the biceps; therefore, it is_______ to the biceps. E. The head is___________ to the chest. F. The end of the tibia is ___________at the knee joint.
Your turn! Lab #1- pg 7
Group Activity Lab #2- page 7
Lab.. Lab activity #10 Lab activity # 14