Tuesday 10-6-15
Chemistry test 1 review
1. What is located in the energy levels or cloud? Electrons 2. What is located inside the nucleus? Protons and neutrons
Add the protons and neutrons together. 3. By looking at an atom, how can you determine the atomic mass (mass number)? Add the protons and neutrons together. 4. How can you tell the difference between atoms? The number of protons.
5. What is the atomic number, protons, electrons for: Sc- W- Hg- Cu- Na- O- Fe- H- He- S- Pb - 21 74 80 29 11 8 26 1 2 16 82
6. How do you determine the number of neutrons given the atomic mass and atomic number? M# - A# = N 7. How do protons and neutrons differ? Protons have a Positive Charge Neutrons are Neutral
8. If an atom has an atomic mass of 14, what is the number of electrons? __________ What is the number of protons? 7 7 9. If an atom has 23 protons and 23 electrons, what is the atomic number of this element? 23 10. What are the names of the elements from question 8 and 9? Nitrogen and Vanadium
11. Identify each part of a tile on the periodic table: Atomic Number 7 N Nitrogen 14 Symbol Name Atomic Mass
30 Zn Zinc 65 35 Br Bromine 80 12. 13. Atomic # _______ Atomic # ______ Atomic Mass ______ Atomic Mass ______ # of Protons _______ # of Protons _______ # of Neutrons______ # of Neutrons______ # of Electrons ______ # of Electrons_____ 30 35 65 80 30 35 35 45 30 35
14. Draw a Lithium Atom - + + - + -
15. Draw a Boron Atom: - - + - + - + + + -
16. Name this element Nitrogen
metal 3 10 nonmetal 17 nonmetal metal 13 20 metal 11 metal 36 nonmetal 17. Complete the Chart: Element Name Atomic Number Metal/nonmetal/metaloid Lithium Neon Chlorine Aluminum Calcium Sodium Krypton metal 3 10 nonmetal 17 nonmetal metal 13 20 metal 11 metal 36 nonmetal
18. What is the difference between an element and acompound? Elements are made of one type of atom only. Compounds are two or more elements combined chemically 19. Draw a representation of each Element Compound
20. Hydrogen and Oxygen are ___________ and water is a _____________ Elements Compound
- + 21 Label the atom, include the charge for the particle. neutral
22. Explain the difference between Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion Fission is the splitting of atoms and fusion is the joiner of two atoms to create a new element. 23. What does Static Electricity have to do with Atomic Structure? Atoms become Negatively charged with electrons.
N -2 C C C N +2 24. What is an Isotope? An atom with a mass different than listed on the periodic table. + or – neutrons. 25. How do you write the names of Carbon with masses of 12, 13, and 14? C-12, C-13, C-14 26. How do you write the symbols for Carbon 12,13 and 14? 12 6 C C 6 13 C 6 14 27. What is the symbol for a nitrogen Ion that only had 5 electrons? 9 electrons? N +2 N -2
3 2 20 4 10 2 17 3 14 3 32. Complete the Chart: Element Atomic Number Number of Energy Levels Lithium Calcium Neon Chlorine Silicon 3 2 20 4 10 2 17 3 14 3