Sensory system HLTAP301A
Sensory System Allows us to experience the world Sight Touch Hearing Pain Speech
Cells that detect stimuli Chemo receptors receive changes in chemical concentration Pain receptors receive information stimulated by tissue damage Thermo receptors sense change in temperature Mechanoreceptors changes in pressure or body movements Photoreceptors are stimulated by light
Special senses The nose Sense of smell is called the olfactory sense Stimulated by chemicals that dissolve in the moisture of nasal tissue Impulse travels along olfactory nerve to the temporal lobe
sensation Conscious awareness of information coming in
Special senses The tongue Taste buds are the organs of taste Sensitive to chemicals in our food Sensations are Salty Sweet Sour Bitter
Special senses Tip is sensitive to sweet and salty Sides are sensitive to sour Back is sensitive to bitter Impulse travels along two cranial nerves to the parietal and temporal lobes
Special senses The eye Eyebrows are patches of hair above the eyes to protect from perspiration and shade the eyes Eyelids protect the eyes Eyelashes trap dust and foreign objects Tears moisten, lubricate and clean the surface of the eye
Special senses Eyeball composed of 3 layers 1.Sclera outermost layer containing the contents of the eye, shapes the eye, the white of the eye Cornea sits on the front of the sclera, window of the eye 2.Choroid middle layer provides retina with blood Forms the ciliary body and iris Secretes aqueous humor Iris is coloured part of eye
Special senses 3. Retina Innermost layer Lines the back 2/3 of the eyeball Nervous layer Contains visual receptors called rods and cones
Special senses The ear Divided into 3 parts External Part that you can see Pinna is the cartilage part Opens to the external auditory canal Extends to eardrum Lined with hair to prevent dust from entering and produces ear wax
Special senses 2. Middle ear Small, air filled chamber between eardrum and bones Nerves and blood supply eardrum vibrates with sound waves and sound is sent to bones Contains the malleus, incus and stapes
Special senses 3. Inner ear Tubes hollowed out of temporal bone Filled with fluid Contains the cochlea Receptors for hearing