SDGs implementation: key challenges and role played by SAIs Data & Reporting • Financing • Evaluation December 15,2016 Svetlana Klimenko Lead Financial Management Specialist (OPSPF)
From MDGs to SDGs 2000: World leaders arrive at 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) aimed at ending poverty and hunger, improving education, gender, health, and promoting sustainable development By the end of 2015, the MDGs are largely achieved, leading to a new post-2015 development agenda that Encompasses the current global realities and development challenges Embraces economic, social and environmental dimensions of development in a comprehensive manner Is more ambitious and interconnected than its predecessor The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in September 2015 complemented by the Paris Agreement largely define the post-2015 international development agenda (“2030 Agenda”) In September 2015, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) hailed today’s adoption of a sustainable development agenda for the next generation and are fully committed to stepping up their support to ensure its success.
THE SDGs and the World Bank The SDGs fit within the WBG’s twin goals to end extreme poverty within a generation and boost shared prosperity 2030 Agenda is included in the new WBG strategy – Forward Look At the global and regional level – advocacy, thought leadership and knowledge sharing, in partnership with the UN agencies, MDBs, and other institutions. At the country level –alignment of portfolios with the National Development Strategies Consistently with the SDGs, the WBG is incorporating long-term sustainability practices in its Corporate priorities and operations Moving beyond MDGs, the SDGs take into account the following global trends – changing demography, evolution of globalization, pressure on resources, climate change, cycles, disruptions and fragility. It is clear, given the ambition of the SDGs that they will not be achieved through a business-as-usual approach
Key Challenges - Implementation Three key areas Implementation, Financing, and Measurement: Implementation Identification of national priorities linked to the 2030 Agenda and mapping of SDGs to existing or new policies and initiatives; Assessment of available funding sources and definition of the roles which the private and public sectors will play as part of the process; Assessment of the available data to measure and evaluate implementation progress and ability to mobilize resources; Collaboration and partnerships with international organizations and other stakeholders, including the private sector, external service providers, and civil society. Data & Reporting Analytical evidence and data is needed to monitor and track progress At the WBG level Corporate Scorecard & IDA RMS to be better aligned with SDG indicators Financing Innovative financing mechanisms required, with wider use of guarantees and blended finance instruments Improvements to the WBG’s ability to mobilize financing, including from the private sector
Key Challenges – financing A new approach to financing is required to support the implementation of the SDGs: Improve country capacity to modernize and manage their own resources – revenue mobilization and expenditure efficiency; Involve private sector as implementer AND financier: Co-implementation of specific projects; Creation of new markets; and Transformation of capital markets. This shift requires introduction of new standards and practices.
Key Challenges - Measurement In March 2016, the United Nations Inter-Agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators presented its report (UN IAEG SDGs, 2016) summarizing list of indicators selected after a multi-step consultation process. WB is a member; 231 indicator. Not all have methodology or baseline. Selectivity is key; How to assign responsibilities and minimize duplications: national statistics office; line ministries; Ministry of Finance, SAI.
Key Challenges - Measurement Private sector: SDG 12.6 – Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle; Integrated reporting –includes both financial & non-financial information including information about the economic, environmental, social and governance performance of an organization (be it public or private); GRI, SASB, IIRC, upcoming FSB climate disclosure… How to measure mobilization of the private sector financing?
Role of the SAI Contributing to the preparation process and development of the National Development Strategy; Preparedness and gap analysis; Audit of processes; Performance audit of individual programs (education, health, etc.); Financial audit of data; Direct contribution to the SDG 16 “effective, accountable and transparent institutions”; Leading by example.
INTOSAI and Regional Organizations UNGA resolutions emphasized the contribution that SAIs and INTOSAI can make to the SDGs; INCOSAI 2016: How INTOSAI can contribute to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including good governance and strengthening the fight against corruption? Support to SDGs implementation is part of the INTOSAI strategy; The Abu Dhabi declaration adopted on Sunday mentions the establishment of an expert group comprising of internal and external experts that will develop a framework for SAI role in SDGs and its application.
INTOSAI and Regional Organizations The four key areas discussed at length and adopted for further research by INCOSAI: Assessing the preparedness of national governments, and subsequently audit their operation and reliability of data; Undertaking performance audits of key government programs contributing t specific aspects of the SDGs; Assessing and supporting the implementation of SDG 16; Being models of transparency and accountability in their own operations. Narrative will need to be developed and adapted to the regional and country needs and circumstances.
The Way FORWARD Dialogue and knowledge exchange with global and regional organizations: UN HLPF ( 2017 - 11 LAC countries, including Chile); INTOSAI, OLACEFS; UN Global Compact; GRI, SASB, IIRC…. UN Statistical Commission. Development and iterative adjustment of national implementation strategies. Definition of roles and responsibilities; Assessment of funding needs and models involving public and private sectors; Collaboration with the WBG and other MDBs.