Tongyeong, 22 September th Global RCE Conference


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Presentation transcript:

Tongyeong, 22 September 2012 7th Global RCE Conference COPERNICUS Alliance European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development Tongyeong, 22 September 2012 7th Global RCE Conference

Vision The vision of the COPERNICUS Alliance is to promote the role of sustainable development in European higher education to improve education and research for sustainable development in partnership with society. The CA is a reaction on the constantly growing importance of higher education activities in the area of sustainable development.

Background & Development strongly connected to COPERNICUS Charta that was developed by the European Rectors‘ Conference in 1993 and signed by 326 universities until 2005 Thessaloniki Declaration of VCSE partners 2008 within 3-LENSUS project COPERNICUS Alliance founded/relaunched in 2009 kick-off meeting July 2010 in Graz Launch of People‘s Sustainability Treaty on HE in June 2012

The Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions As the location of academic education, bearing responsibility for the students and their professional and moral quality as future leaders in society and economy. As major contributors to research, tackling questions arising with the transition of societies around the world towards more sustainable development. As significant societal actors, shaping their local, regional and national environment and important partner of other stakeholders, and society at large, for a sustainable future. Graz Declaration (2005) Therefore the COPERNICUS Alliance aims to be an innovation network consisting of universities, NGOs, public institutions, higher education entities and individual members.

Goals Networking: Exchanging and enhancing knowledge on Education for Sustainable Development between European Higher Education and student organizations that work for sustainability Policy: Promoting Higher Education for Sustainable Development in European policy making Service: Disseminating tools for sustainability integration in higher education Outreach: Promoting sustainable development in European Higher Education Representation: Representing European Higher Education for Sustainable Development in international committees on Education for Sustainable Development

Management & Structure President Board Elected President 2012/13: Prof. Daniella Tilbury, University of Gloucestershire, UK Elected Vice-President 2012/13:  Prof. Clemens Mader, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany Secretariat Copernicus Alliance Coordinator 2012/13: Dr Ingrid Mulà, University of Gloucestershire, UK

Management & Structure Scientific Steering Committee Chair: Prof. Dr. Hans van Ginkel, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands Prof. Dr. Gerd Michelsen, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany Prof. Dr. Friedrich M. Zimmermann, University of Graz, Austria Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany Prof. Dr. Rietje van Dam-Mieras, University of Leiden, The Netherlands Ass.-Prof. Eftichios Sartzetakis, University of Mazedonia, Greece Nina Hug, oikos International, Switzerland

Management & Structure Founding Management Team Dr. Maik Adomssent, Leuphana University Lüneburg, INFU, Germany Prof. Clemens Mader, , Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany

Would you like to become a member? Our Members Subscription to the CA Newsletter and e-Bulletin   Opportunities to inform and influence policy developments in international dialogues Access to ‘member only’ web content and resources Governance opportunities Publication opportunities Participation in conferences and seminars   Funding and research Profiling your work at an international level  Professional development Would you like to become a member?

Working Groups Implementation of Sustainability in Universities Innovative Teaching & Learning European Interdisciplinary Research on Sustainability Policy Lobbying COPERNICUS Alliance Management Student Involvement Outreach

Working Groups – Example “European Interdisciplinary Research on Sustainability” Milestones and actions are defined according to a rationale: “[…] provision of research partnership for sustainability research across Europe” “Kick off meeting at Bristol supported by interdisciplinary global eco-justice project. Review remit – discuss themes and make decisions about future roles and tasks; Develop first funding bids – outlines and teams” “Initial survey of research networks for sustainability in the EU and plan of how to link with them/inform them of the COPERNICUS network and agenda” “Formation of wider group with advisors/participants from EU funding councils etc.”

Next Steps New members are welcome anytime Annual meeting in 2013 People´s Sustainability Treaty on HE Meetings at conferences and spreading information Updated COPERNICUS Charta Integration of 3-LENSUS database Ongoing work within working groups (collaboration via “elgg” platform)

People’s Sustainability Treaty on Higher Education The latest of a series of declarations and key documents on HE and S need to rethink higher education and its role in a transition towards a more sustainable society 30 international organisations, associations and agencies across the world Rio+20: People’ Sustainability Treaties Initiative Officially launched at Rio+20, June 2012 75 signatories – Become a signatory! Next steps

Principles #1: To be transformative, higher education must transform itself #2: Efforts across the higher education system must be aligned #3: Partnership underpins progress #4: Sustainable development is an institutional and sector-wide learning process #5 Facilitating access to the underprivileged #6: Inter- and trans- disciplinary learning and action #7: Redefining the notion of quality higher education #8: Sustainable development as a whole-of-institution commitment


Immediate Actions (mid 2013)   Action 1. Those committing to this Treaty will draw lessons from previous successes and shortcomings, to redefine the higher education system with a new vision and purpose. They will engage in reviewing their organisational ambitions and action plans to ensure there is alignment with this action. Action 2. Establishing a communication platform that would facilitate exchange of experiences among partners of the higher education system and serve as a forum for consolidating future strategies and actions in the area of sustainable development. Action 3. Developing a set of indicators which can guide the change process and help capture developments which bring us closer to the goal of sustainable development. We commit to periodically report on actions and achievements against these indicators. Action 4. Sustainable development actions and initiatives must be implemented using participatory processes which engage the university community in diverse and cross- stakeholder dialogues. Action 5. Finding opportunities for integrating ESD competencies within the plans and actions associated with the sustainable economies ideal and initiatives to address the current socio-economic crisis.

Short-term Actions (2012-15) Action 1. To invest in transdisciplinary research and learning processes in order to understand trends of societal development and define the role of higher education in contributing to more sustainable futures.   Action 2. To create structural and supportive frameworks for embedding ESD competencies within higher education experiences. Action 3. To contribute to improvement of basic education and access to higher education for disadvantaged groups. Action 4. To undertake research, public and policy engagements in order to deconstruct the existing notion of quality, impact and excellence and agree on their new meaning based on the principles of sustainable development. Action 5. To support initiatives which seek to develop the capabilities of existing leaders to enact sustainability commitments and to ensure succession plans and selection processes for future leaders give focus to this area. Action 6. To convene a global meeting of presidents, vice-chancellors, rectors and deans and key sector leaders to review actions and progress to date and refine action plans.

Thank you for your attention!