Unit 2 Learning Goal 2 Economic Systems


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 Learning Goal 2 Economic Systems How the distribution of goods and services is determined in free enterprise, socialist, and communist economic systems and classify where various countries fall along the economic spectrum. (do not write)

U2LG2 Learning Goal: Outline the distribution, characteristics, and interactions of the economic systems in the world. Criteria For Success: (A)  Students determine the forces which distribute goods and services in the free enterprise, socialist, and communist economic systems (B) Students outline specific countries of where they fall along the economic spectrum between free enterprise and communism

Write the question and the responses then tell… Question: What is the difference between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP)?  ANSWER: In your ISN: Write the question and the responses then tell… What do these answers mean to you? Can you list or draw examples? Pair with another to share your thoughts / illustrations. GDP is the market value of everything produced within a country GNP is the value of what’s produced by a country’s residents, no matter where they live. "the total market value of goods and services produced within the borders of a country,” regardless of the nationality of those who produce them. GNP (gross national product) is the total market value of goods and services produced by the residents of a country, even if they’re living abroad. So if a U.S. resident earns money from an investment overseas, that value would be included in GNP (but not GDP). And the value of goods produced by foreign-owned businesses on U.S. land would be part of GDP (but not the other measure).

Free Enterprise Economies The Good: Business governed by the laws of supply and demand, not restrained by government interfer ence, regulation or  subsidy.  Also called free market and capitalism. The Bad: Free markets don’t create utopia. Businesses can fail and workers be displaced. The Ugly: Capitalism is prone to corruption. People get greedy, and they cheat, and they exploit the weaker elements of society.

Socialist Economies An economic system in which goods and services are provided through a central system of cooperative and/or government ownership rather than through competition and a free market system. Tax rates extremely high but, services (healthcare, education, child care, housing subsidies) The Good: Everyone Shares (just like mom and dad told you to do with your brothers and sisters The Bad: See above The Ugly: See above

Command Economy (according to the Young Communist League) Economic and social system in which all (or nearly all) property and resources are collectively owned by a classless society and not by individual citizens Communist Countries, Past and Present Current Communist Countries: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. Formerly Communist countries (by current name): Formerly part of the Soviet Union: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhs tan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, T urkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Other Asian countries: Afghanistan, Cambodia, Mongolia, and Yemen. Soviet-controlled Eastern bloc countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany (East), Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia . The Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Rep. of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. Africa: Angola, Benin, Dem Rep. of Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, and Mozambique. (according to the Young Communist League) The Good: Everyone is guaranteed a job. The Bad: no one has the right to become wealthy. The Ugly: Generally No Taxes = no money for roads, schools, etc.

Communism Map of the Past

Look at the following countries and HK, Which would YOU consider one that has a Free Enterprise Economic System? A Socialist Economic System? A Communist Economic System? One-By-One, Which Economic System Do You & Your Classmates Believe Each Country Falls Under? France Hong Kong, China Japan Laos Vietnam Germany Ireland Australia Denmark Free Enterprise (capitalism) Communism Socialism

4:34 minutes of the World’s Largest Economies 2001 to Present to 2018 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3UzJtA4yRw