Michael J. Latuwael FSPMI – KSPI Indonesia ACTION & FOLLOW UP PLAN Michael J. Latuwael FSPMI – KSPI Indonesia
Workers should engange in politics Project Title Workers should engange in politics
Background & Justification Workers have the political force capable of influencing the national political contestation and policy decisions by the state, This time the labor force must be able to influence state policy, Weak enforcement of labor laws, uncertainty of labor law, labor issues a lot in common, so the workers must unite. Globalization makes welfare can no longer be expected from the factory, but it should come out to the public.
Target Group & Parties Involved All leader which have Affiliate with KSPI/CITU (800.000 members) Indonesia Election Commitee Unorganize workers Indonesia People
Objective Influence government policy on employment issues Strengthen supervision of labor law Improve the bargaining position of workers at the national level (workers' rights, welfare, CBA, Sosial Security, etc)
Activities & Follow Up No Name of Activities Tentative Schedule 1. 2. 3. 4 Candidate selection through; meetings with TU Leader to clarify the intent and purpose of this program. Regular membership meetings, to build awareness of the political class among the workers. Building a political network of mass organizations. Building a political network of NGOs. Starting in october in 2010 Starting
Activities & Follow Up No Name of Activities Tentative Schedule 5. Campaigns for candidates who are elected. Starting in Januari in 2011