Technological excellence SRIP Health- medicine Progressive medicine Technological excellence Improved healthcare Contact: dr. Alenka Rožaj Brvar, MBA, director The Operation is funded by Republic of Slovenia and European Union from European Fund for Regional Development.
Slovenian National Innovation Hub and SRIP Health - Medicine Public - private partnership of the leading national partners from multiple helix, employing cutting edge technologies enabling access to global medical and health markets. A PLATFORM FOR: knowledge transfer from academia, R&D, business and NGO organizations; fostering innovation & IP, global networking, communication to Government; identification of new business opportunities, promising technologies, large scale projects; new technological and social innovative solutions, top talent development, new jobs, high VA products and services, start-ups, best practice sharing. Technical implementation Development Validation Certification Evaluation Marketing
In focus SRIP - Health - Medicine Translational medicine Biopharmaceutics Herbal medicine and natural cosmetics Resistant bacteria Cancer treatment Active and Healthy Aging Central nervous systems diseases Regenerative medicine Advanced medicine and new delivery systems Digestive syndrome Rare diseases Biopharmaceutical production Novel biological medicines and vaccines Herbal Medicine Dietary supplements Natural Cosmetics New forms of disinfectants Plant extracts Antibacterial materials Proton therapy Cell therapy Gene therapy Diagnostics, Neurotoxic/ Neurodegeneration, New products and services for Active Healthy Aging In focus SRIP - Health - Medicine Active Healthy Aging: smart medical devices for assisted living, including telemedicine and autotherapeutic devices; Diagnostics: early diagnosis of dementia, AD (bio-nanosensors); Therapeutics: new drug delivery nanoparticle systems, stem cells; Support environment: wearables, training of staff in nursery homes, educating relatives, memory villages.