Kick Off Meeting Largs, Scotland EU-HCWM “Developing an EU Standardised Approach to Vocational Educational Training Awards in Healthcare Waste Management” Project No. 541982-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-LEONARDO-LNW PROJECT INTRODUCTION Kick Off Meeting Largs, Scotland 5th & 6th Feb 2014 Funded by the EACEA with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union
PROJECT Purpose - is to develop a framework for a healthcare waste management qualification & training package, which will provide a unified approach to the development of a Vocational Educational Training Programmes for Healthcare Waste Management across the EU Member States. Methodology & Outputs - will reflect best practices and best available technologies for the management and treatment of healthcare wastes.
PROJECT Healthcare waste management is a dynamic field of the waste sector and technology applications have radically changed over the past decades as we become more aware of the risks posed by healthcare waste in terms of infection control and broader environmental impacts.
PROJECT MAIN TASKS The project has set the following objectives: Conduct & report on an assessment of the healthcare waste management situation Prepare a comparative analysis report of the above findings Develop a National Occupational Standard for the post of healthcare waste manager in a healthcare facility. Develop a Vocational Educational Training Programme in line with the requirements of the national occupational standard. Develop an e-learning platform for the NOS Develop an EU wide network for dissemination and support of the project outputs
WORK PACKAGES WP 1: Project Management WP 2: Quality Management WP 3: Assessment strategy development and implementation WP 4: Development of NOS for Healthcare Waste Manager WP 5: Development of a Vocational Education Programme WP 6: Evaluation WP 7: Development of an e-learning platform WP 8: Dissemination of Project Outputs WP 9: Development of Project Outputs Exploitation Action Plan WP 10: Implementation planning and network growth and development
PROJECT MAIN ACTIONS In regard to the actions required to ensure that the aims and objectives are met the project has foreseen the following actions: Partner organisations will establish a stakeholder network Each partner will conduct an analysis of the healthcare waste management qualifications framework in their own country Each partner will identify a number of key healthcare facilities within their country through which they can undertake several assessments (e.g. practices, skills and competencies) and will conduct an analysis of the roles of healthcare waste managers, if such a role exists, within those key healthcare facilities. The training provision already available and undertaken by existing healthcare waste managers will be identified
PROJECT MAIN ACTIONS Each partner will produce an assessment report from the identification of the waste management arrangements at the key healthcare facilities in terms of onsite practices and waste management service provision. Partner 1 will prepare a comparative report from assessment reports. Partner 1 will be responsible for the development a draft framework for the Occupational Standard (OS) for consideration by the other consortium partners. Partner 1 will collate the feedback from the other partners in regard to the draft framework for the OS and will prepare a final draft of the OS for approval by the consortium partners. The partners will produce a module of the vocational educational training programme for the OS for a Healthcare Waste Manager.
PROJECT MAIN ACTIONS External Evaluation of the proposed NOS and training package will be conducted and EV reports generated for each of the participating partner countries. Dissemination of project outputs through a variety of outlets, including media coverage and workshops Development of an e-learning platform for the new qualification An implementation plan will be developed The network will be expanded during the final phase, to encourage a broader system of support across the EU member states
IT PLATFORM – KNOWLEDGE AND COMMUNICATION EXCHANGE TOOL EU-HCWM “Developing an EU Standardised Approach to Vocational Educational Training Awards in Healthcare Waste Management” Project No. 541982-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-LEONARDO-LNW IT PLATFORM – KNOWLEDGE AND COMMUNICATION EXCHANGE TOOL Kick Off Meeting Largs, Scotland 5th & 6th Feb 2014 Funded by the EACEA with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union
IT PLATFORM THREE PART PRESENTATION:- Part 1 (Julie Peer): Role and application Knowledge portal Information exchange Network Communication Partner obligations Part 2 (Tal Peer) Service Product (Microsoft 365) Part 3 Feedback/discussion
IT PLATFORM Website Access for public, network members & partners ROLE AND APPLICATION Website Access for public, network members & partners PUBLIC NETWORK PARTNERS Website face Project information Project deliverables Website face Project information & publications Evaluation process Website face Project management Project documents
IT PLATFORM KNOWLEDGE PORTAL IT Platform will serve as a knowledge and information base, concerning the training needs and qualification profile professionals in the Healthcare Waste Management industry, including: good practices, innovative training procedures, training material sources, articles, national and European legislations,
IT PLATFORM KNOWLEDGE PORTAL All partners will contribute to the portal – multiple languages The knowledge base will highlight any information concerning knowledge, skills and competences development of healthcare waste managers Other European and international competent bodies will be invited to add their work. Approved Informative material in the English language will be uploaded to the network members space LOGO
IT PLATFORM INFORMATION EXCHANGE Project partners – all project information (documents, ppts, financial information) held on secure part of the website (partner-only access) Project management will be done mainly through the partners information exchange portal
IT PLATFORM COMMUNICATION E-mails Instant messaging Notifications Reminders Tasks and deliverable dates
IT PLATFORM NETWORK Healthcare industry professionals Up to date information Website articles Project information Informative e-mails/Mailing list Dissemination activities
WORK PACKAGES AND DELIVERABLES EU-HCWM “Developing an EU Standardised Approach to Vocational Educational Training Awards in Healthcare Waste Management” Project No. 541982-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-LEONARDO-LNW WORK PACKAGES AND DELIVERABLES Kick Off Meeting Largs, Scotland 5th & 6th Feb 2014 Funded by the EACEA with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union
WORK PACKAGE 1 Project Management – The project management function will be conducted by partner 1
WORK PACKAGE 2 Quality Management – The quality assurance of the proper project functioning with respect to objectives and expected results will be achieved by the development of a Quality Plan and the continuous monitoring actions during project lifetime. A quality report will be included in the context of the final project report. A set of measurable indicators will be defined and respective target values will be set in order to ensure timely and effectively delivery of project outputs.
WORK PACKAGE 3 Assessment strategy development and implementation – This package will include the development of tools to be used in the assessment and analysis of existing Healthcare Waste Management NOS’s, VET’s and skills sets of existing healthcare waste managers. Each partner will be responsible for the establishment of an in country network which it will use as a sounding board for the project outputs and of a dissemination mechanism for agreed final project outputs and the implementation action plan. The partners will also be responsible for the preparation of a country based assessment report.
WORK PACKAGE 4 Development of NOS for Healthcare Waste Manager – Partner 1 will compile a comparative analysis report, from the outputs of WP3. Using the comparative reports as guidance, a draft National Occupational Standard for the post of healthcare waste manager within a healthcare facility will be developed. The draft will be circulated to the partners for their comments and feedback. At the conclusion of this process a final draft will be circulated to the partners and they in turn will circulate to their stakeholder networks for comment.
WORK PACKAGE 5 Development of a Vocational Education Programme – Each partner will be allocated a module to complete in the context of the VET and in relation to the partners skills set and capabilities. At the conclusion of this process a final draft of the VET will be circulated to the partners and they in turn will circulate to their stakeholder networks for comment.
WORK PACKAGE 6 Evaluation – Each partner will be responsible for the internal and external evaluation of the developed NOS and the associated training package.
WORK PACKAGE 7 Development of an e-learning platform – Partner 1 will organise the development of an e-learning platform for the new Healthcare Waste Managers Qualification (based on the NOS) through their IT consultant.
WORK PACKAGE 8 Dissemination of Project Outputs - Launching the project website, forum, weblog and social networks at the early beginning of the project; organizing specific dissemination events (workshops, brochures, press articles, newsletters, EU presentations).
WORK PACKAGE 9 Development of Project Outputs Exploitation Action Plan – Preparation of project Communication and Dissemination Handbook
WORK PACKAGE 10 Implementation planning and network growth and development – Preparation and realisation of an implementation plan. This plan will include the proposed synergy between all EU member states, to improve standardisation between all member states in vocational training and education through the use of an agreed framework (NOS). The EU network will be expanded further in this stage.