Version 0.1 Draft – For Review Murali Mohan Murthy SDN-O TEST FRAMEWORK Version 0.1 Draft – For Review Murali Mohan Murthy
Overview Project Name: SDN-O Project Repository name: <TBD LF to put a common github url> Project Description Provide the test framework to validate the SDN-O use case scenarios.
Problem being Solved Develop a test framework to help integrate SDN-O services (Each SDN-O module) and validate usecase scenarios (E2E-End to End) without any external dependency with minimum effort.
Test Framework Scope Project Name: SDN-O SDN-O Release 1 Test Framework Features and Functionality Framework APIs should able to help contributors to write simple tests to validate all the usecases for each of the SDN-O services and integrate them. Framework should support replacing heavy weight external components such as controllers, databases with light weight or simulated components to support End to End independent testing. Framework should support to build SDN-O inventory as per the usecase and based on topology inputs. Framework support GUI of “New Postman Tool” for easy execution of manual testing. Framework should support continuous integration (CI) of automated test cases and generate simple test report to ensure the sanity of code . Stretch Goals: Simple Test case management (Import/Export).
Proposed SDN-O Test case strategy GUI (10%) End to End (30%) Interface (60%)
STUB SERVER(Controller ) SDN-O Test Overview TEST CODE: Build topology as per external input. Read JSON from file and replace values , send request and validate response and output PASS/FAIL. MOCO-MASTER: Controller Simulator to validate SBI request and respond for standalone. 1 Request JSON | Response JSON TESTCASE FILE 2 PASS FAIL 1 TEST CODE 1 TEST CODE MY SQL PREPARE TOPO DATA STORE 1 REST API SDN -O READ JSON HTTP CLIENT WRAPPER STUB SERVER(Controller ) TO ADAPTER REST SBI 2
Test Case JSON format
Before/After Test suite Test Case Flow Prepare topology SDN-O will implement Topology builder Deploy Topology Un-deploy topology Export topology Import topology Test Case Flow: Select the interface to be tested and corresponding JSON and topology. Modify inputs for the interface to be tested. Set up Stub server and set the response for the requests to be stub (Such as controller and other external components) by reading topology file and other configuration. Send the modified request to Server (under test) and get the response. Validate the response and assert Pass/Fail and generate simple report. Repeat the flow for another test cases Before/After Test suite Generate test interface files Each Test Case Select inputs Modify inputs Set-up Stub server Execute Test case Validate Test result Generate Report
Test Architecture - Internal Contributor Simple Http client wrapper to support send and receive REST APIs and support authentication. Topology builder takes input (topology blue print) and generates SDN inventory. Test File loader reads the input test JSON, replaces the inputs and provides expected output (if any). Test Validator validates the output based on the expected output . Report generator generates simple report after the entire test suite is completed. Selenium APIs are used to test the GUI use cases. Test Utility contains APIs to transfer files, access database, export/import files, support remote login and other utilities. Moco-master scripts to simulate the SDN Controller. Other Test scripts to support H2Database integration and support automation, continuous integration. CI (Jenkins) SDN-O Test Cases Test Framework API (s) Http Client Wrapper TopoBuilder Test File Loader Config Loader SeleniumAPI Report Generator Test Utility Test Validator MOCO- MASTER Test Scripts Other Test Scripts
GUI Support for Test case execution New PostMan JSON format Test Case Converter Test Case JSON format New PostMan JSON format Import to PostMan
Appendix –TestON (ONOS)
Appendix- Robot Framework(ODL) –Keyword driven