There are two separate matriculation programs at Bankstown College of TAFE: The Higher School Certificate (HSC), which is issued by the Board of Studies. The Tertiary Preparation Certificate (TPC), which is issued by TAFE.
Common factors for the HSC and the TPC Both offer a Year 12 qualification. Both must be done on a full-time basis (three days a week for TPC, four or five days a week for the HSC). Both will give you an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) or equivalent, to get you to university.
The Higher School Certificate (HSC) The HSC can be done in three different ways: Year 11 and 12 in one year. Accumulation of subjects over 2 years (known as Pathways). However, you can only do one of these years in SWSi. Limited ATAR: 3 or 4 subjects. This is only available for people who are 20 years and over.
(a) Year 11 and 12 in one year Students do 10 units at Year 12 level and 12 units at Year 11 level. (10 units are sufficient, if the student has already met the Preliminary requirements.) Gives the HSC and an ATAR. Only limited availability to those who have only just completed Year 10 at school (unless they are already 17 years of age).
(b) Accumulation of the HSC: Students can accumulate the HSC over a period of up to five years. However, in TAFE there are very limited opportunities to study for more than one year, due to funding difficulties. Those studying fewer than five subjects in a year are not deemed by Centrelink as studying full-time.
(c) Limited ATAR 3 or 4 subjects, done in one year. English is compulsory. Does not offer an HSC, but does give a Limited ATAR (which will get you into most university courses). The Limited ATAR is calculated from at least one of your English units plus your four best other units. You must be 20 years of age on March 1st 2017 in order to be eligible for a limited ATAR.
Subjects available in 2017 English: Standard English Advanced English
Maths: General Maths 2 Unit Maths Available at Granville TAFE
Science: Senior Science (available at Liverpool TAFE) Chemistry (available at Granville TAFE) Biology (available at Granville TAFE) Please note that there is no Physics available in this institute.
Humanities: Modern History Ancient History Geography Studies of Religion Legal Studies Thursday evenings
Other information… If you repeat a subject for the HSC, UAC counts the mark you got in your second attempt when calculating the ATAR. Students in TAFE are expected to fit into an adult learning environment. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated. Teachers will be on hand to help you with your subject choices at the time of enrolment. If you are under 18 years of age, please bring proof of age, your School Certificate/RoSA and school reports to the interview.
Costs The course cost is $700. The charge is $240 if you are receiving a government benefit. Textbooks may need to be purchased for some subjects.
The Tertiary Preparation Certificate (TPC) TPC is a TAFE alternative to the HSC, especially aimed at mature aged students. It gives you a Tertiary Entrance Score (equivalent to the ARAR) that can be used for University entry. It can only be done as a one year full-time course (18 hours, three days, per week). You must be 17 or over to do the course.
Other TPC details The course cost $700. For those receiving a government benefit, the cost is $240. The information and testing session is on Wednesday January 18th at 10 am in J1.15. The TPC course co-ordinator is Yvonne Tran. Tel: 9780 5574.
Other aspects of the TPC There is more emphasis on skills than in the HSC, and less content. There is more project-style assessment. Only English and Maths have exams. All subjects are one semester only. A total of 8 semester-long subjects are needed to complete the course. The Tertiary Entrance Score is calculated from three of the higher level subjects.
Further information Further information on the HSC at Bankstown TAFE can be found by going to the college HSC website. Go to Google and type in bankstowntafehsc and click on the first hyperlink. Once on the website, go to Year11/12 on the menu, and click on Enrolment. This PowerPoint presentation is on the website, as well as other useful information. The HSC coordinator is Ken Enderby. His phone number is 9780 5588. His email address is