P.E. Sports day Movement to rhythm Games Year 1 – Summer term 2017 P.E. Sports day Movement to rhythm Games Maths Counting forwards and backwards to at least 100 — forwards and backwards in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s beginning with any given number. Finding the missing number in a sequence. Problems involving addition and subtraction. Practical multiplication and division using pictures, objects and arrays. Geography Oceans in the world Identify oceans on a map/globe Local studies - Liverpool History Liverpool’s settlement History of the port King John of Liverpool The Beatles Science Examine various sea creatures Investigate features of reptiles, mammals, fish and birds and classify the sea creatures Sinking and floating What lies beneath the sea? Literacy Author study of Julia Donaldson and her work. Focus on how to punctuate a sentence correctly using full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks and question marks. Adventure stories with a fantasy setting. Computing Google maps locating Liverpool Compare and contrast the City of Liverpool to our local town Identify our school and home on google maps and describe the route D.T. Select appropriate materials to make a boat Music Listen to music and re-create piece using musical instruments Come and See Holidays and Holydays Being Sorry Neighbours Art Design and make sea background using linkers and leverages to create animation