EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Appointment of External Examiners Ensure all subjects/programmes are covered by an external examiner Send out letters of appointment Payment of Fees and Expenses Subject/School Assessment Boards
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Roles and Responsibilities University’s Learning Quality and Enhancement Handbook (Section 4) University’s Regulations (Section D) http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/policies/university-regulations Letter of Appointment Report Cover Sheet Templates
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University DUBAI, MAURTIUS, MALTA Set-up in January 2005, January 2010 and September 2013 respectively Middlesex is responsible for academic delivery Same quality assurance and monitoring systems as the London-based campuses Dubai largest campus and delivers over 57 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes with over 90 nationalities represented Mauritius delivers 22 programmes both undergraduate and postgraduate Malta delivers 9 undergraduate and 1 postgraduate programme mainly in Science and Technology
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Function of External Examiners To provide independent adjudication on quality and standards of academic provision and on associated procedures by: approving exam papers [and coursework assignments]; approving programme and module changes/proposed new modules; moderating student work (grades); attending viva examinations (if required); attending/contributing to Assessment Boards; providing the programme team and the University with informed and constructive critical comment and feedback on academic provision and assessment through submission of written reports by required deadline dates
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Moderation of student work EEs receive a representative sample of student work whereby to judge appropriateness of standards and of assessment overall. Key student work should have been double-marked/moderated internally. [NOTE - EEs are not markers and so do not alter marks of individual students; nor are EEs normally expected to resolve marking disagreement between internal markers]
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Key documents needed Programme handbook Includes programme specification; - module aims - learning outcomes - syllabus - teaching learning and assessment strategy - assessment weighting - learning materials Module narrative University regulations (especially Sections J and M)
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Involvement of external examiners in quality assurance processes Quality and annual monitoring - EE reports on in-house and collaborative programmes feed into quality/annual monitoring reports Periodic Review - EEs may be consulted by programme/subject teams when preparing for academic review and reports would be considered by review panels Boards of Study – reports are presented to Boards of Study meetings, which include student representatives External audits – reports may form part of evidence base for other audits, including QAA audits
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Reporting (1/6) External Examiners’ reports provide feedback to the University on the comparability of standards and the student achievement Internal report but also a public document as it is widely circulated and used for internal reviews, audits and committees and external audits and reviews
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Reporting (2/6) Appendix 4b The External Examiner is invited to make detailed comments on academic standards as well as the management and operation of the EE system
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Reporting (3/6) Comments are invited on: Assessment (standards) Compare marking and moderation for modules taught at different campuses including overseas MU campuses and modules on franchised and joint validated programmes Was work fairly and consistently marked? Was assessment properly moderated? Was the feedback to students useful? Were students treated in a fair and consistent manner?
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Reporting (4/6) Achievement (standards) Are the profiles of achievement acceptable or do they merit comment? (e.g. within/between modules) Are they exceptionally good/uneven/ cause for concern? Awards (standards) Are awards made at the appropriate level and do they accurately reflect achievement? Is such achievement comparable to that at other HEIs
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Reporting (5/6) Administration & Conduct (the assessment process) Was assessment conducted in accordance with relevant regulations? (University and/or PSRBs). Was assessment well administered? Are there suggestions whereby the procedures might be improved?
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Reporting (6/6) External Examiners should submit reports within one month of the final assessment board to AQS Templates are circulated annually just before the assessment period All reports should be sent to AQS Reports not submitted on time are followed up
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Central Overview AQS writes an External Examiners’ Overview report to the Assurance Committee each year Report comments on the External Examiner activity during the previous year, the quality of External Examiners’ reports and highlights generic issues to be addressed by the University and areas of good practice.
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS’ INDUCTION February - March 2017 Academic Quality/Standards at Middlesex University Where to find us on the web: http://www.mdx.ac.uk/about-us/policies/academic-quality Gloria Turner Quality Enhancement Manager (Externality) Tel: 02084116387 G.Turner@mdx.ac.uk