Building A Highly Accurate Mandarin Speech Recognizer Mei-Yuh Hwang, Gang Peng, Wen Wang (SRI), Arlo Faria (ICSI), Mari Ostendorf, etc. Dustin: for confidence measure using SVM
Outline Mandarin-specific modules: Word segmentation. Tonal phonetic pronunciations. Pronunciation look-up tools. Linguistic questions for CART state clustering. Pitch features. Mandarin-optimized acoustic segmenter.
Outline Language independent techniques: Jan-08 system Future MPE training. fMPE feature transform. MLP feature front end. System combination. Jan-08 system Future
Word segmentation and lexicon Started from BBN 64K lexicon (originally from LDC 44K lexicon) /g/ssli/data/mandarin-bn/external-sites/ Added 20K new entries (especially names) from various sources. First-pass: Longest-first match (LFM) word segmentation Selected most frequent 60K words as our decoding lexicon. UW Ç BBN = 46.8K UW \ BBN = 13.6K (阿扁,马英九) BBN \ UW = 17.3K (狼狈为奸,心慌意乱,北京烤鸭)
Word segmentation and lexicon Train 3-gram. Treat OOV = @reject@ = garbage. Second-pass: Re-segment training text with ML word segmentation. /homes/mhwang/src/ngramseg/wseg/ngram –order 1 –lm <DARPA n-gram> Output depends on (1) algorithm, (2) lexicon. 记者-从中-国-国家计划委员会-有关部门-获悉 记者-从-中国-国家计划委员会-有关部门-获悉 Re-train 3-gram, 4-gram, 5-gram. Very minor perplexity improvement. Character accuracy from 74.42% (LFM) to 75.01% (ML) by NTU.
Lexicon and Perplexity 1.2B words of training text. qLMn: quick (highly pruned) n-gram #bigrams #trigrams #4-grams Dev07-IV Perplexity LM3 58M 108M --- 325.7 qLM3 6M 3M 379.8 LM4 316M 201M 297.8 qLM4 19M 24M 331.2
Two Tonal Phone Sets 70 tonal phones from BBN originally, using IBM main-vowel idea: Split Mandarin Final into vowel+coda to increase parameter sharing. bang /b a NG/ ban /b a N/ {n,N},{y,Y},{w,Y} for unique syllabification Silence for pauses and rej for noises/garbage/foreign. Introducing diphthongs and neutral tones for BC 79 tonal phones
Phone-81: Diphthongs for BC Add diphthongs (4x4=16) for fast speech and modeling longer triphone context. Maintain unique syllabification. Syllable ending W and Y not needed anymore. Example Phone-72 Phone-81 要 /yao4/ a4 W aw4 北 /bei3/ E3 Y ey3 有 /you3/ o3 W ow3 爱 /ai4/ a4 Y ay4
Phone-81: Frequent Neutral Tones Neutral tones more common in conversation. Neutral tones were not modeled. The 3rd tone was used as replacement. Add 3 neutral tones for frequent chars. Example Phone-72 Phone-81 了 /e5/ e3 e5 吗 /ma5/ a3 a5 子 /zi5/ i3 i5
Phone-81: Special CI Phones Filled pauses (hmm, ah) common in BC. Add two CI phones for them. Add CI /V/ for English. Example Phone-72 Phone-81 victory w V 呃 /ah/ o3 fp_o 嗯 /hmm/ e3 N fp_en
Phone-81: Simplification of Other Phones Now 72+14+3+3=92 phones, too many triphones to model. Merge similar phones to reduce #triphones. I2 was modeled by I1, now i2. 92 – (4x3–1) = 81 phones. Example Phone-72 Phone-81 安 /an1/ A1 N a1 N 词 /ci2/ I1 i2 池 /chi2/ IH2
Different Phone Sets Pruned trigram, SI nonCW-PLP ML, on dev07 BN BC Avg Phone-81 7.6 27.3 18.9 Phone-72 7.4 27.6 19.0 Indeed different error behaviors --- good for system combo.
Pronunciation Look-up Tools SRC=/g/ssli/data/mandarin-bn/scripts/pron $SRC/ Look up pronunciations from a word dictionary, for Chinese and/or English words. $SRC/ Look up English word pronunciations in Mandarin phone set. $SRC/ P72 Single-char lexicon. First pronunciation = most common $SRC/ Look up Chinese word pronunciation from individual characters. $SRC/ convert a dict from one phone set to another $SRC/RWTH/: RWTH-70 phone set (3rd phone set)
Pitch Features Get_f0 to compute pitch for voiced segments. Pass to graphtrack to reduce pitch halving/doubling problem SPLINE interpolation for unvoiced regions. Log, D, DD Feature CER MFCC 24.1% MFCC+F0 21.4%
Acoustic segmentation Former segmenter, inherited from the English system, caused high deletion errors. It mis-classified some speech segments as noises. Speech segment min duration 18*30=540ms=0.5s Start / null End speech silence noise Vocabulary Pronunciation speech 18+ fg Noise rej rej silence bg bg Start / null End speech silence noise Start / null End speech silence noise Start / null End speech silence noise
New Acoustic Segmenter Allow shorter speech duration Model Mandarin vs. Foreign (English) separately. Vocabulary Pronunciation Mandarin1 I1 F Mandarin2 I2 F Foreign forgn forgn Noise rej rej Silence bg bg Start / null End Foreign silence Mandarin 1 2 noise
Improved Acoustic Segmentation Pruned trigram, SI nonCW-MLP MPE, on Eval06 Segmenter Sub Del Ins Total OLD 9.7 7.0 1.9 18.6 NEW 9.9 6.4 2.0 18.3
Language-Independent Technologies MLP MPE fMPE WER - 17.1% + 15.3% 14.6% 15.6% 13.4% 14.7% 13.9% 13.1%
Two Sets of Acoustic Models MLP-model: MFCC+pitch+MLP (32-dim) = 74-dim CW Triphones with SD SAT feature transform MPE trained P72 PLP-model: PLP+pitch = 32-dim Followed by fMPE SI feature transform P81
MLP Phoneme Posterior Features One MLP to compute Tandem features with pitch+PLP input. 71 output units. 20 MLPs to compute HATs features with 19 critical bands. 71 output units. Combine Tandem and HATs posterior vectors into one 71-dim vector, valued [0..1]. PCA(Log(71)) 32 MFCC + pitch + MLP = 74-dim
Tandem Features [T1,T2,…,T71] Input: 9 frames of PLP+pitch (42x9)x15000x71 PLP (39x9) Pitch (3x9)
MLP and Pitch Features nonCW ML, Hub4 Training, MLLR, LM2 on Eval04 HMM Feature MLP Input CER MFCC (39-dim) None 24.1 MFCC+F0 (42-dim) 21.4 MFCC+F0+Tandem (74-dim) PLP(39*9) 20.3 PLP+F0(42*9) 19.7
HATS Features [H1,H2,…,H71] 51x60x71 (60*19)x8000x71 E1 E2 … E19
PLP Models with fMPE Transform PLP model with fMPE transform to compete with MLP model. Smaller ML-trained Gaussian posterior model: 3500x32 CW+SAT 5 Neighboring frames of Gaussian posteriors. M is 42 x (3500*32*5), ht is (3500*32*5)x1. Ref: Zheng ICASSP 07 paper
Eval07: June 2007 Team CER UW 9.1% RWTH 12.1% UW+RWTH 8.9% CU+BBN 9.4% IBM+CMU 9.8%
Jan 08: RWTH Improvements Using RWTH-70 phone set, converted from UW dictionary. Using UW-ICSI MLP features. On Dev07 UW June 2007 auto AS 11.2% RWTH (MLP) Jan08 9.9% UW-1 (MLP) Jan08 9.8%
Jan-2008: Decoding Architecture Manual acoustic segmentation. Removing sub-segments. Removing the ending of the first utterance when partially overlapped. Gender-ID per utternace. Auto speaker clustering per gender. VTLN per speaker. CMN/CVN per utterance.
Jan-2008 Decoding Architecture SI MLP nonCW qLM3 Aachen PLP-SA MLP-SA PLP CW SAT+fMPE MLLR, LM3 MLP CW SAT MLLR, LM3 Confusion Network Combination
Re-Test: Jan 2008 Dev07 Eval07-retest: 8.1% 7.3% PLP-SA-1: 10.2% PLP-SA-2: 9.9% (very competitive to MLP-model after adaptation) MLP-SA-2: 9.8% {PLP-SA-2, MLP-SA-2}: 9.5% RWTH: 9.9% (more sub errors, fewer del errors) {RWTH, PLP-SA-2, MLP-SA-2}: 9.2% Eval07-retest: 8.1% 7.3%
Future Work Putting all words together, re-do word segmentation and re-select decoding lexicon. Auto create new words using point-wise mutual information: PMI(w1,w2) = log P(w1,w2)/{P(w1)P(w2)} LM adaptation Finer topics Names Has to coordinate with MT/NE