Employment First Community of practice webinar February 23, 2017 Recruit, Train, Retain Employment First Community of practice webinar February 23, 2017
Panelists Cesilee Coulson, Executive Director, WISE Mike Schmidt, Director of Employment Services, MV Advancements Xochil Springer, Employment Specialist, UCP Josh Bearman, Executive Director, TVW, Inc.
Cesilee Coulson is the Executive Director of WISE Cesilee Coulson is the Executive Director of WISE. Ces brings 20 years of experience in competitive integrated employment training and technical assistance to her position. At WISE she focuses on organizational transformation, employment systems change and community capacity building. She designs and manages local, statewide and national projects to increase opportunities for competitive integrated employment for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In 2014, Ces was selected by the US Department of Labor as a member of the Advisory Committee on Increasing Competitive Integrated Employment for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Wise promotes and expands diversity in the workplace. We specialize in innovative training and technical assistance to ensure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are a vital part of the workforce. At Wise, we believe in making it work. www.gowise.org cesilee@gowise.org
STAFFING LOCAL BUSINESSES SINCE 1966 For more than 50 years, MV Advancements has matched employment opportunities for our job seekers in partnership with a diverse range of local businesses. We understand the staffing needs of the area companies; we provide training, business needs assessment, and pre-screening of applicants. Schedule a meeting with one of our employment professionals to learn how valuable working with our enthusiastic job seekers can be. Adults experiencing disabilities are fully supported to be involved in their communities, developing meaningful relationships at work, at home and at leisure. With that being said we have developed systems for this that have been very successful.
MV Advancements commercial https://vimeo.com/199107297
Xochil Springer UCP Employment Solutions Xochil Springer has been working in the field of supported employment since 2006. She has held many positions ranging from job coach to job development in both Oregon and Washington. Xochil has received certifications from CESP, VCU and CCER in the area of job development, job coaching and discovery. Previously, she was the Assistant Team Leader of United Cerebral Palsy’s Employment Solutions. Currently, she is an Employment Specialist in Wasco and Hood River counties. Xochil is passionate about training, finding the right match and Harry Potter.
Career Development Services 6615 SE Alexander Street Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 (503) 649-8571 Josh Bearman, Executive Director
Strategies for building a successful employment team Recruiting & hiring
Be a part of Supported Employment
THIS IS REALITY Culture–what is your culture? Belonging—What’s in it for me? What do I belong to? Impact—Will I make a difference and how? Civil Rights
Mike’s best practices for hiring Looking for the customer service skills Selling background Building a diverse team with experiences from other industries Team interviews get team by in
Hiring at UCP Recruitment Hiring bonus as an agency Where are the positions being posted? Not fishing from the same pond. What is the need? Speaking with team members, customer supports and needs, days and hours Speaking with HR about key things to look for
Hiring at UCP continued Qualities of job coach. Qualities of a job developer Mock questions- an opportunity for the candidate to show real time skills. Rural vs. Metro What works and what doesn’t? Did I fail? Yes. Team culture and qualities of a successful team member Hiring team- Manager, team members, customers. Diversity in ideas and filters.
Recruiting: what we’ve learned Provide flexible schedules and hire flexible staff Find individuals who believe in the mission Make hiring a team effort Provide attractive pay structure with benefits
Building competence and confidence in an employment team Training
Training vs. Development Necessary and required Career path progression Build a learning culture Build in time for practicing skills Consider specialty areas to leverage staff skills Mentoring Look outside of our industry for relevant topics People in leadership positions need to know what is being taught to their staff and ensure new information is reinforced and implemented
Training A structured training program •Follow up on training monthly •1-1 weekly meeting with Manager during the first 90 days to ensure understanding and putting the training to work •Opportunity to specialize ( explore the thing your good at) •Mentors ( all spend time with each member of the team )
Training at ucpo Oregon Core Competencies 12 categories- how can these be reached and retained. Training Checklist Living document. Broken into three sections-60 days, 6 months, 1 year. Training Modules Discussion with team members about training needs and considerations.
Training at ucp continued Budget for out of agency trainers coming in. What else is needed to be successful in this position? This field? 12 hrs. of training per year UCP requirement. How is this going to be reached and tracked? Professional Development Discussion during Supervisories to identify training wants and needs.
Training: what we’ve learned Peer training Leverage existing training programs (ex: WISE) Team-building training Goal-setting training
Strategies on keeping successful employment staff retaining
Retaining great team members Purpose—know why you are doing what you do Trust—relationships matter Belief Clear goals Data Recognition Celebration
retention Team involvement ( what they have to say matters) Sharing success often and immediate ( Group Me App ) ES steps 1 2 3 Advancement in pay and responsibility Sharing the success of the clients we serve ( what you do matters ) Thanking them often and in the presence of their peers
Retention at ucp Placement and Retention money bonuses Money vs. Recognition vs. Personal Value Checking in Formal and informal Documented Consistent
Retention at ucp continued Professional Development Long term and short term goals Intentional Retention Why are you here? How long do you want o be here? What do you need to be successful here? What do we need for you to be successful here?
Retain: what we’ve learned Stay flexible Trust that your team will succeed and learn from mistakes Provide on-going career development opportunities Build a relationship with each team member and understand their goals Foster team environment
WRAP UP Help people develop their own solutions Ask people or teams to create a solution and present it to the manager Lead from behind Listen Create opportunities to collaborate it will spur innovation Know your community and build a team that is known by their community Build leaders and lifelong learners Learn from all generational perspectives Culture trumps strategy