Who Are America’s Citizens? Two Ways
Naturalization or Birth foreign-born who choose to become citizens by a legal process Aliens-non-citizens; work, visit, study (several million) Immigrants-(aliens) people who move here permanently: 1/2 millon every yr The US prefers: Immigration Act of 1990-family members and those who want to work, produce, contribute born here, US territory (Puerto Rico), US army base/embassy, both (or just one) parents are us citizens born on US soil (parents not)?- Paragraph
Naturalization Process immigrant signs Declaration of Intention, filed w/ USCIS; after living in the US for 5 yrs. (3 if married to us citizen)-files an application for citizenship (18 or older); USCIS official interviews applicant; applicant passes a citizenship exam; USCIS grants app and applicant pledges and oath of allegiance in national ceremony; any children 17 or younger now also become US citizens. 1924: Native Americans became US citizens.
3 Ways to Lose Citizenship Only the federal govt can grant and take this away. Denautralization-fraud or deception during the naturalization process ex: Expatriation: giving up citizenship to move to another country. Crime: treason, rebellion, overthrow the govt
Individually Rd pg. 17 Time: Teens in Action -be prepared to discuss. Make a Difference Individually Rd pg. 17 Time: Teens in Action -be prepared to discuss.
Legal Aliens: 3 Types Resident Alien: foreigner who has established permanent residence. Nonresident Alien: foreigner who expects to stay in the US for a short, specified time. Refugee: people fleeing their country to escape persecution. -Syrian: D/R Aliens can: hold jobs, own property, attend school, and get other govt services; They pay taxes and are entitled to legal protection; They cannot vote or run for office; Aliens must carry ID cards at all times.
Illegal Immigrants Aliens who are in the US illegally A) temporary visitors that do not leave B) illegally cross the border from Mexico or Canada Which one is a bigger problem? Why?-turn and talk It is against the law to hire illegal aliens; those who find work get little pay and no benefits Deported if found-sent back to their own country.
# of illegal immigrants and Border Patrol 12-20 million illegal immigrants US border patrol: 6,000 m Mex/Can borders; 2,000 m surrounding FL/PR *understaffed and underfunded