(Required for DTCs, Recommended for STCs) Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) (Required for DTCs, Recommended for STCs)
TIDE Objectives Understand the role and purpose of TIDE in supporting student success and achievement.
Overview Definition: Test Information Distribution Engine Purpose: TIDE Overview Definition: Test Information Distribution Engine Available through the OAKS Portal Purpose: To provide authorized users with access to: User Information Add new users or modify existing accounts Student Information View/Edit student test settings for a student Search for students. New this year: Advanced search using additional fields. Student Restrictions View/Edit or Add restrictions for a student Upload restrictions for a batch of students Upload Paper-Based Writing Test Orders New this year: Chromebooks Designate schools or students to test using Chromebooks. -Roles in TIDE determine who can do what in the various online systems including the Online Reporting System and the Test Delivery System. The online systems use a Common Login System, so your TIDE username and password are used for the Online Reporting System and the TA Interface of the Tset Delivery System as well as for TIDE. Student information in TIDE determines which tests a student can take and what the settings will be for those tests. The TIDE User Guide (available October 1) will include screenshots and detailed instructions for navigating through TIDE.
User Information User Roles and Access Add/Modify User Accounts TIDE User Information User Roles and Access OAKS users (DSA and lower) are associated with a district and/or institution(s). Current district/school roles are: DSA, DTSA, STC, TA, TT, District Report Viewer, and School Report Viewer. Passwords are encrypted. Add/Modify User Accounts Add users View/edit users Upload users -For more information on User Roles, see Part II of the Test Administration Manual
TIDE Add Users District users: select a role, district and institution from the drop-down menus. The district and institution lists will automatically update after you select a role from the drop-down menu. Note: While this page can be used to add a new user to TIDE or to add a District/Institution to a user’s profile, no other user attributes may be modified on this page. Those changes must be done using the Upload Users feature. Users can be added to TIDE individually or in a file which includes multiple users. This screen shows how to add users individually. Generally, if you are only adding a few users it is easiest to add them individually. If you are adding many users it is easier to do a single file upload.
TIDE View/Edit Users Select a role, district, and institution from the drop-down menus. The district and institution lists will automatically update after you select a role from the drop-down menu. Select a role, district, and institution from the drop-down menus. The district and institution lists will automatically update after you select a role from the drop-down menu. Click the [Edit] button for a user whose information you want to view and update. You will be directed to the Edit User page. You can only update the user’s first name, last name, and phone number. If you need to re-associate the user with a different district or institution, you will need to follow the process outlined in the Upload User section. After users are in TIDE you can edit their names or phone numbers. To edit anything else, such as an email address, the user must be deleted and re-added. To add a user to multiple district, or to change the district with which the user is associated, you must use the User Upload feature of TIDE.
TIDE Upload Users Upload a group of users to TIDE or modify profiles for existing users TIDE accepts uploads of user information in CSV (ASCII) format. CSV files can be opened/edited using spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or a notepad application When adding multiple users it is often easiest to upload them all in one file. When a user is associated with multiple institutions, such as a TA who will administer tests in more than one school, you muse use the Upload Users feature. There is a template in TIDE that can be downloaded to do this. There are also instructions in the TIDE User Guide. Add Users to Multiple Institutions Enter users on separate lines in the upload file – one line for each institution For the first institution, enter “ADD” as the action
TIDE Passwords Passwords must have a minimum of eight characters including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number. Passwords will be encrypted. If users request their password they will be emailed a link rather than the actual password. Links will expire in 24 hours. All passwords will be reset on October 1. All users will need to request their password the first time they log in after October 1. Users will be prompted to change their password after logging in for the first time. Users will be prompted to select and answer a security question the first time they log in after October 1. -
TIDE Requesting a Password When logging in for the first time this year, state- and district-level users will need to enter their email address in the username box and then click “Request Password.” Users will receive an email with a link that is good for 24 hours. Clicking on the link will allow them to log in. They will be prompted to change their password after logging in. This screen shot shows the login page for TIDE. Notice that under username and password there is a link that you can click on if you forget your password. If you click on the link you will receive an email that includes a link that allows you to access TIDE. That link will expire in 24 hours. If it expires you can always request a new link. School-level users will be sent an email with a link when they are added to the system. If the link expires before they log in, they can follow this procedure to request a password.
TIDE Student Information Student Information and Student Settings are combined in a single tab. Search for a group of students (e.g., by grade or school) or for an individual student (e.g., by first name, last name, or SSID) Advanced Search (new this year). Search by additional fields stored in TIDE (student settings, etc.) Once the search is complete a student table is generated
View/Edit Students All users can view student settings. TIDE View/Edit Students All users can view student settings. Users can only update test settings if their role in TIDE permits. Note: Only DSAs and DTSAs can update Restricted Resources
Student Settings Color Choice Language Print Size TIDE Student Settings Color Choice Language Print Size Computer-Based Read Aloud Suppress Score Item Types Exclusion Print on Request Modification Codes Accommodations and Accommodation Codes ELPA Exclusions -
Upload Student Settings TIDE Upload Student Settings Can Batch Upload: Color Choice Language Print Size Accommodations Computer-based read aloud Suppress Score Cannot Batch Upload: Item Type Exclusion Print on Request ELPA Exclusions -Restricted resources cannot be uploaded in batches for multiple students. They must be entered individually for each student.
Chromebook Accounts TIDE New this year: accounts must be created in TIDE for students who will test using Chromebooks. Entire schools or individual students can be designated for Chromebook accounts. After a Chromebook account is requested in TIDE, there will be a wait of 2 to 5 days (depending upon the number of requests being processed) before the account is created and the student can test using a Chromebook. Districts and schools are encouraged to request Chromebook accounts for all students who may need one as soon as possible after TIDE opens.
TIDE Student Restrictions View and edit test restrictions for students within a district and/or institution. Test restrictions prevent students from testing in a specified subject. Note: if a student transfers schools or district, his or her test restriction settings will not be reset. Student restrictions can be entered individually in TIDE for each student or uploaded in a file for multiple students. This screen shows how student restrictions are added for individual students.
View/Edit Restrictions TIDE View/Edit Restrictions Select the district and/or institution from the list(s) and click [Search]. To narrow the search, select an enrolled grade, or enter a student's SSID, first, or last name. Each row displays information for students, including test settings and accommodations. Each row also contains an [Edit] button.
View/Edit Restrictions TIDE View/Edit Restrictions If you are uploading student restrictions for multiple students, it is easiest to use the Upload features. There is a template in TIDE for creating a file to upload restrictions. There is also information about how to do this in the TIDE User Guide. TIDE accepts uploads of student restrictions in CSV (ASCII) format. CSV files can be opened/edited using spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or a notepad application.
TIDE: Paper Writing (DTSAs and DSAs only) Orders may be placed by uploading a pre-code file for multiple students or by editing individual student settings. Pre-code files must include the following fields: SSID (required) DOB (required) Teacher Name (optional) Class Period (optional) District-level users can export order information to Excel. For students that are testing in Braille, the District must be sure to order both a paper Writing booklet via TIDE and a Braille form from ODE. -After the student completes the test using the Braille form, a test administrator will transcribe the student’s response to the paper Writing booklet and include the paper Writing booklet with the district’s return shipment for scoring.
TIDE Do’s and Don’ts Do’s Use the LEP flag for those students who will take the ELPA. Use student test settings to assign system features and restricted resources to students by test subject (e.g., language, zoom, print-on-request). Use student restrictions function to manage student access to specific assessments in OAKS Online. Use the order function to place orders for the winter and spring Writing Performance Assessments.
Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d Don’ts TIDE Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d Don’ts TIDE users must not share their TIDE log-in information and passwords, even with other authorized TIDE users. DTSAs or DSAs must not set the item print- on-request restricted resource for students without a documented need (e.g., IEP, 504 Plan, or other district documentation) - Security and eligibility requirements for printed test items appear on p. 11 of the Test Administration Manual.
TIDE Promising Practices The district uses the Student Restriction function to restrict students who are designated to take OAKS Extended from accessing the Online test. The district applies student test settings for students by test subject to ensure that students have appropriate access to OAKS Online. For students with IEPs or 504 Plans, the district consults the student’s plan before applying test settings to ensure compliance with the student’s plan. -Student test settings are designed to support ODE-approved allowable resources, accommodations, and restricted resources.
In a Nutshell TIDE is available through the OAKS Portal Use TIDE to manage user accounts, student test settings, and order Writing tests
Online Resources OAKS Online User Guides OAKS Portal (includes Training Site and Practice Tests) http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=391 http://www.oaks.k12.or.us
Acorns for Storage What are the functions available through TIDE? How can district users use TIDE to manage appropriate student access to OAKS Online?