AUP Full Internet Access What does it mean for you?
You will have access to sites, such as: YouTube Google Images Vimeo The District recognizes the value of utilizing the Internet for high-quality instructional purposes. In response to teachers requests and due to the increase of quality online teacher resources the district provides teachers with (almost) full access to the Internet. You will have access to sites, such as: YouTube Google Images Vimeo With this access comes great responsibility.
What does this mean? “When using the Internet with students, employees are responsible for previewing content prior to sharing it with students and for monitoring students’ Internet use.” Teachers will preview an online site right before they display content on the screen. Teachers will use the full screen feature when viewing a video directly from a site. Teachers should utilize tools, such as, to minimize the possibility of inappropriate content being displayed.
How do I use Find your video Copy the URL Go to Follow the directions on the screen Save the new URL to keep the clean copy for future use Keep in mind students will still not have access to these videos under their login
What does this mean? “Employees shall not log in for other users to provide them with elevated privileges or access to resources to which they otherwise would not have permission.” Teachers will log in for teacher use only. Students must use their own logon.
What does this mean? “Employees are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all passwords that provide access to District network and online systems, including the password of students.” Teachers will NOT share their username and password. Teachers will NOT allow students to log in as other students. Explain using generic passwords for student logon is not acceptable.
Student passwords Each student needs to have their own unique password with minimum of 8 characters including a combination of upper case, lower case and numbers. Teachers have access to reset a student password. For directions go to Departments Technology Technology Quick Help You will be prompted to log in to Schoolwires
Student Acceptable Use Policy AUP PowerPoints are located on the Kyrene website Primary Intermediate Review the intermediate presentation to ensure you know the Acceptable Use Policy for students. Elementary Media Specialists will be going over this presentation with students. Middle School teachers should present to their classes.