H = Health O= Occupations S= Students of A= America
HOSA is… A national organization for middle school, secondary and postsecondary/collegiate career and technical education students enrolled in health science (and pre-technical health science) programs.
Local HOSA chapters provide programs and activities to help individuals develop their physical, mental and social well-being. Members strengthen their leadership and citizenship abilities through interaction with professional, business and other student organizations.
HOSA members have the opportunity to share experiences with other people involved in the health professions. Members build confidence in their own ability to develop skills that will lead to successful employment in the field of health.
HOSA members are involved in community-oriented, career-related and leadership development activities. Students from all local chapters attend regional and statewide conferences for leadership training and chapter management workshops and participation in HOSA competitive events that test and recognize students’ competencies and related skills in their chosen health occupation.
All affiliated state associations conduct state leadership conferences and send state competitive event finalists (three) in each competitive event and division to the annual HOSA National Leadership Conference in June.
The activities of HOSA chapters are integral to the instructional program and are endorsed by the United States Department of Education.
HOSA History National HOSA was founded November 10-13, 1976, at the Constitutional Convention held in Arlington, Texas. 384 delegates and advisors from six states (Alabama, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Texas) with organized state associations and interested persons from 12 other states. The name Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) was chosen, bylaws were adopted, national officers elected, colors selected, rules designed to choose a motto and emblem, and the first National HOSA Conference was set for the Spring of 1978, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. .
At the first National Leadership Conference eight states joined the original six states. Kentucky HOSA, one of the eight, received its charter in April 1978. The official emblem was selected at this conference.
In 1982, the Leadership Development Institution, Inc In 1982, the Leadership Development Institution, Inc. (LDI, Inc) located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, with Dr. Jim Koeninger, President, and Karen Elias, Vice President was selected as the second and current management firm to manage the National HOSA organization. Since 1985 Dr. Koeninger and Ms. Elias-Koeninger have been officially designated as HOSA’s Executive Director, and Associate Director, respectively.
HOSA presented Vice President Bush with and Honorary Life Membership in HOSA - the highest award presented to an individual by the organization.
At the 9th National HOSA Conference held in June 1986 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Melissa Monarch, of Breckinridge, Kentucky, was elected President-Elect, and was installed as the National HOSA president at the 1987 Conference held in Dallas, Texas. Although Kentucky has had other National officers, currently; Melissa Monarch is the only Kentucky National President.
HOSA Mission To promote career opportunities in the health care industry, and To enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people
MISSION STATEMENT The mission of HOSA is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science technology education students, therefore, helping the student meet the needs of the health care community
Purpose and Goals of HOSA The purpose of the HOSA organization is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Technology Education instructional program.
The goals that HOSA believes are vital to each member are: To promote physical, mental and social well being. To develop effective leadership qualities and skills. To develop the ability to communicate more effectively with people. To develop character. To develop responsible citizenship traits.
The goals that HOSA believes are vital to each member are: To understand the importance of pleasing oneself as well as being of service to others. To build self-confidence and pride in one’s work. To make realistic career choices and seek successful employment in the health care field. To develop an understanding of the importance in interacting and cooperating with other students and organizations.
The goals that HOSA believes are vital to each member are: To encourage individual and group achievement. To develop an understanding of current health care issues, environmental concerns, and survival needs of the community, the nation and the world. To encourage involvement in local, state and national health care and education projects.
The goals that HOSA believes are vital to each member are: To support Health Science Technology Education instructional objectives. To promote career opportunities in Health Care.
THE HOSA ORGANIZATION *Level III - National Organization National HOSA is endorsed by the United States Department of Education. State associations affiliate with National HOSA and are classified as inactive or active state associations. State members must affiliate with National HOSA.
THE HOSA ORGANIZATION Level II - State Associations State Associations should be supported by the appropriate state education agency or a HOSA, Inc. Board approved sponsoring agency/institution. Local chapters must affiliate with the state association as well as National HOSA.
THE HOSA ORGANIZATION Level I * Local Chapters The local HOSA chapter is composed of middle school, secondary and/or postsecondary/collegiate students pursuing a health career. The health science instructor serves as the HOSA chapter advisor. When the chapter is not part of health science education, a faculty member or health care community professional may serve as chapter advisor.
HOSA Opportunities “What’s in it for Me?” INVOLVMENT – in a variety of chapter activities RECOGNITION – through participation in competitive events SCHOLARSHIPS TRAVEL – regional, state and national activities NETWORKING – with health care professionals, industry leaders, organizations, and associations
HOSA Opportunities COMMUNICATIONS – through a series of publications LEADERSHIP – opportunities for learning how to work effectively with others CONFIDENCE - from active participation in HOSA activities
HOSA Conferences Participate in competitive events that test competencies and related skills in chosen occupation on local, regional, state and national levels
HOSA Emblem The Circle represents the continuity of health care The Triangle represents the three aspects of humankind well-being; social, physical, and mental The Hands represent the caring of each HOSA member
HOSA Colors Navy Blue represents loyalty to the health care profession Medical White represents purity of purpose Maroon represents compassion of HOSA members
HOSA SLOGAN “Health Science and HOSA: A Healthy Partnership”
2017-2018 National Theme
The 2017 HOSA KLTI is scheduled for October 22 – 23, 2017 at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. KLTI is a major opportunity for local officers to develop leadership skills and learn the responsibilities of their respective office. YOU MUST REGISTER ONLINE.
KY Leadership Training Institute KLTI October 22-23, 2017 Registration deadline (hotel and online): Friday, September 10, 2017 for HOTEL Registration deadline: September 10, 2017 for paperwork in office Crowne Plaza Hotel Louisville, Kentucky
NATIONAL AND STATE SERVICE PROJECTS 2017-2018 National: National Alliance on Mental Illness State: Ronald McDonald House
National Service Project 2017-2018
The HOSA 2017-2018 National Service Project is the National Alliance on Mental Health. KY HOSA would like to have 100% participation for this project this year. We hope that all chapters will participate and complete the online HATS- HOSA Activity Tracking System. Remember this system is the only way credit for three recognition awards to be validated. See tutorial video at
For Chapters attending KLTI, we challenge you to bring a check donation for $1 per chapter member. If you are not planning on attending KLTI, you may send your donation check made to the National Alliance on Mental Health to Elizabeth Bullock KY HOSA 500 Mero Street 2024 Capital Plaza Tower Frankfort, KY 40601. (This address will be changing effective 9/1/16. We will email the new address) If your chapter donates $100.00 or more, your chapter will receive a certificate and be recognized at the 2017 State Leadership Conference. All donations less than $100 will be submitted to the National Alliance on Mental Health under the name of KY HOSA.
KY HOSA is collecting pop tabs for The Ronald McDonald House KY HOSA is collecting pop tabs for The Ronald McDonald House. Please save these during the school year and bring them to the KY HOSA Leadership Conference in March. This is our KY HOSA state service project. Pop-tabs will be weighed and the chapter bringing in the most pounds will be recognized.
Pin Design Contest The pin design is based ON OUR STATE – KENTUCKY. Each design should be based on a KY Event/Person/Place. The KY HOSA Pin Design is a national trading pin, therefore it must be symbolic of Kentucky. Each officer team may submit one design - Please provide a photo ready design if at all possible. Each registered KLTI delegate will have one vote. Which officer team will you vote for?
Pin Design Contest ***Remember: Avoid copyright infringements. Please write your officer group on the back of your designs.*** (i.e. President, vice president, treasurer, historian, secretary or parliamentarian)
Statesman Award This is an award which students can earn during KLTI by knowing specific information about KY HOSA. Students will be checked-off by members of the executive council. Successful candidates will receive a pin at the awards session on Monday. A study guide is provided on the KY HOSA web page which may be printed off and given to the students prior to conference.
National HOSA Week is IN November. (November 6-12. 2016) This year national HOSA will allow chapters to choose an alternate week to celebrate if needed as long as the dates are consecutive. Chapters are encouraged to promote community service activities, educational activities and membership drives during this time. For ideas see
UNITE TO SERVE may have activities on Advocacy, Career Awareness and Literacy that you may want to include. See the FBLA website for more information.
KODA’S TRANSPLANT AWARENESS SLOGAN Don’t take your organs to heaven, heaven knows we need them here.
COMPONENTS OF UNITE TO SERVE 1. Advocacy 2. Career Awareness 3. Literacy
CLASSIFICATIONS OF A MOTION Privileged Subsidiary Incidental Restoratory Main
HOSA Creed I Believe in the Health Care Profession. I believe in the profession for which I am being trained; and in the opportunities that my training offers. I Believe in education. I believe that through education I will be able to make the greatest use of my skills, knowledge, and experience in order to become a contributing member of the health care team of my community. I Believe in myself. I believe that by using the knowledge and skills of my profession I will become more aware of myself. Through fulfilling these goals, I will become a more responsible person. I Believe that each individual is important in his or her own right; therefore I will treat each person with respect and love. To this end I dedicate my training, my skills and my self to serve others through HOSA.
Membership Categories ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: Middle School - shall be composed of students who are in grades 6-8 and are those interested in or planning to pursue a career in the health professions.
Membership Categories ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: *Secondary - These shall be secondary students who are or have been enrolled in a health science or an organized health career awareness program or are interested in, planning to pursue, or pursuing a career in the health professions.
Membership Categories ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: *Postsecondary - These shall be students enrolled in a postsecondary health science technology education program at less than the baccalaureate level.
Membership Categories ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: *Collegiate - These shall be students enrolled in a health career program in pursuit of a baccalaureate degree
Membership Categories PROFESSIONAL These shall be health professionals and other adult members of the community who wish to assist and support the HOSA program of activities.
Membership Categories ALUMNI These shall be former active members who have legitimately separated from a Health Science Technology Education program, in good standing with their chapter, and who have paid their local, state, and national fees.
Membership Categories HONORARY These shall be persons who have made significant contributions to the development of Health Science Technology Education and/or have rendered outstanding service to HOSA.
PURPOSES OF A COMMITTEE (1) To consider (2) To take action if directed (3) To investigate (4) To report its findings (5) To make recommendations
STANDING COMMITTEE Permanent committee designed to perform a continuing function
SPECIAL COMMITTEE Formed as the need arises for a specific task – after the task is completed, the committee dissolves
BASIC RIGHTS FOR MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY The majority rules, rights of the minority are guaranteed, one and only one thing at a time
KY HOSA WEBSITE:——-Future-Health-Professionals.aspx
NATIONAL HOSA HEADQUARTERS National HOSA headquarters is located in South Lake, TX
RECOGNITION EVENTS (1) Barbara James Service Award (2) MRC Volunteer Recognition (3) National Service Project (4) Healthcare Issues Exam (5) HOSA Happenings (6) HOSA Chapter Reflection (7) Outstanding State Leader (8) HOSA Marketing Challenge
Program of Work The Program of Work (POW) is a plan of activities for the year. It doesn’t need to be elaborate. Activities can be added or revised during the year. HOSA student members should take ownership of the Program of Work.
Types of Activities for POW Career Related Activities Alumni Involvement Community Activities Benevolent Activities Social/Leadership Activities Fundraising
POW Planning Sheet Prepare one sheet per goal Goal 1: Objectives - Activities - Resources - Time - Cost - Beginning/Completion Date - Product -
POW Monthly Plan July January August February September March October April November May December June
Membership Info… Membership year is September 1 through August 31 Total dues - $18.00/year National affiliation fee (dues) is $10 State affiliation fee (dues) is $8 KY-HOSA officers include: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian Parliamentarian
Membership Info… KY-HOSA Advisor is Elizabeth Bullock KY-HOSA Co-Advisor is Kim Williams HOSA State Conference – March National HOSA Conference – June National Headquarters – Flower Mound, TX
References HOSA Student Handbook HOSA Handbook –section C (HOSA CD received each year with membership packet, 2009 attached) Kentucky Statesman Award Study guide (attached) New Advisor Handbook