Objectives Provide SMEs an option to ship via LBC, while enjoying the same service commitment Create new revenue stream Eliminate billing and collection process for accounts with P20,000 average monthly revenue or less
What is SEND-TIPID? Pre-paid service for Express Deliveries POD POD COPY Pre-paid service for Express Deliveries NPR, NPXL, NPS, NPL, KB3,KB5 Discounted Freight rate Door to Door Services for Manila Out only (Phase 1) The Send-Tipid form serves as the Air Waybill (AWB). One Airway bill: One Transaction In pads of 25 forms
POLICIES Send Tipid is available for the following Express products: N-Pouch Regular, N-Pouch XL, , N-Pack Small and N-Pack Large, Kilobox 3 Kilobox 5 Existing operational policies shall apply per product type Lead time commitment is same as the regular products Acceptable payments are : Cash, Bank to bank deposit or Dated Manager's check Customer is not required to present Company documents (i.e. Bank Statements, DTI, BIR Form 2303, etc…) Customer will be issued with appropriate pouches upon payment. One pad, One product type
POLICIES One waybill, One transaction. No POD return. Forms are valid for 1-year from date of purchase or December 31 of each year No return, exchange or refund Lost forms are non-replaceable. Issuance/release of Send-Tipid forms will be centralized through Sales Support Team Not to be sold at Branches. Orders , inquiries, or purchase of Send-Tipid forms can be coursed thru Account Handlers and Customer Service
POLICIES No valuation charge. Maximum liability per product type is as follows : Npouch transactions' maximum liability is P200.00 NPack transactions' maximum liability is P1,000.00 Kilobox 3 and Kilobox 5 transactions’ maximum liability is 1,500. Send-Tipid can be used for delivery to transactions Service are applicable to Serviceable Areas ( City limits) only Not valid for ODZ (Out of Delivery Zone) transactions. Should the customer write an ODZ delivery address, PUD must refuse acceptance of shipment For cases where we have mistakenly accepted shipment, Operations Support shall call-out the shipper to pay the corresponding ODZ fee. Only the shipper stated on the Airway bill has the right to claim ( please see note) . Dena1: what do you mean by this? Claim what? Only the shipper stated on the Airway bill has the right to claim. Dette: claim in case of Lost or better to say” Only the Client who purchase the form has the right to claim in case of shipment lost or damage.”
Order process of SEND-TIPID Day 1-2 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Customer orders SEND-TIPID through Sales or Customer Service. Customer care/service explains the process, payment, delivery etc…. Emails Sales Support Sales Support confirmed payment received, books delivery of forms with Customer Care Customer Care logs orders in booking system Sales Support to issue SEND-TIPID Pad and pouches with OR# and validity date
Order process of SEND-TIPID Day 2 Day 2-3 Day 2 PUD Team delivers the SEND-TIPID pad & corresponding pouches to customer. Sales Support summarize and remit proceeds to Credit and Collection Credit and Collection include proceeds on the next day deposit. Dena1: where is the process for turnover/remittance and deposit of cash and managers check collection? Who will handle deposit? What is the frequency for reporting usage? Where is the forms monitoring, inventory vs issued? Frequency? Delivery of SEND-TIPID airway bills and pouches is next day, following the 1PM cut-off, otherwise the day after next.
Order process of SEND-TIPID Sales Support to sends the SEND-TIPID usage every week (Tuesday) Dena1: where is the process for turnover/remittance and deposit of cash and managers check collection? Who will handle deposit? What is the frequency for reporting usage? Where is the forms monitoring, inventory vs issued? Frequency? Sales Support to sends inventory report every 3rd of the following month.
Pick up process of SEND-TIPID Customer Care logs pick up s in booking system Courier to Pick Up shipments and ensure proper from and pouch used by Client Customer book SEND-TIPID shipment to Customer Service
Pick up process of SEND-TIPID Courier forwards shipment to Exchange and Send Tipid form to CDT. CDT to encodes the SEND-TIPID transactions as Prepaid using Send Tipid Account.
Detailed Process Flow
Detailed Process Flow
How to fill up Send Tipid Form 1 012345 2 December 31, 2016 3 9 4 10 5 11 12 6 7 8
How to fill up Send Tipid Form ITEM FIELD INSTRUCTION 1 Acceptance Date Date of Pick up 2 Booking No. Booking # provided by Customer Service during booking of pick up 3 Shipper's Name Name of Client who is sending the shipment 4 Contact # Contact # of the Customers that can be use for discrepancy reports 5 Shipper's Address Address of Client who is sending the shipment 6 Shipper's Signature Signature of Client who is sending the shipment 7 Contents Details of the item 8 Courier name and Signature Name of Courier who pick up the shipments 9 Consignee Name of Client were shipment is intended for 10 Contact No. Contact # of the Consignee 11 Consignee Adress Tick destination address of the shipment 12 Name of Courier who deliver the shipments
Terms and Conditions