Integration in Urban Planning Processes Trikala INSMART Final Conference Brussels, 15 March 2017 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 314164.
Reference context Trikala: a historic city Location: Greece, Region of Thessaly Surface: 69.2 Km2 Population: 62.154 Existing sustainable urban tool/policies: Covenant of Mayors (CoM) for Climate & Energy objectives (singed in 2010) Highly Participated in Buildings’ Upgrades (Exikonomo) (2009-2013) Today, it undertakes activities to get involved in Agenda 2030 Specific local challenge of urban environments, energy and climate: Strategic plan: Trikala 2025 - A Smart, Sufficient and Resilient City (2015) Enhance city’s resilience and sustainability (beyond CoM and 2020)
Engagement Process Stakeholders involvement Local Stakeholders (running activities with environmental impact/opinion makers): Commercial Chamber Commercial Union Technical Chamber Municipality DEYAT (Water Utility) February 25/2016: Presentation of sustainable activities, hosted by the stakeholders Presentation of InSmart context to local stakeholders Requested stakeholders to contribute to policy decision making process (MCDM) May 20, 2016: Stakeholders feedback collection and MCDM process execution March 28, 2017: Final workshop with outcomes’ presentation
The InSmart Scenarios’ Trikala Local approach: Municipal, regional and national policies, planned in the corresponding Strategic Plan Smooth population increase - Energy demand increase Climate change effects Scenarios: 1. Municipal building renovation (20% improved efficiency) 2. 80% of city buildings connected with the natural gas network 3. Renovation of all city buildings grounded before 1950 4. Energy efficiency upgrade of all city buildings 5. Public lighting upgrade to LED (6,000 units) 6. Renewable energy production by 10% of total demand 7. Green Open Space creation (5% cooling demand reduction) 8. Mobility Ring-Road (8C) completion and Cycle Lane Network Expansion with 5-10 Km (8R) 9. Replacement of 10 municipal vehicles with electrical ones 10. Encouraging hybrid and electrical vehicle use (i.e., with tolls in the city entrance) 11. Biomass landfill (950KWh production capacity) 12. Sewage treatment with bacteria (25% decrease of energy demand) 13. Dam construction (200KWh energy supply and down to 0% energy demand for water pumping) 14. Exploitation of all terraces for solar panels 15. 20% of CO2 production decrease
City energy system Building Energy consumption Building stock (15.324, ELSTAT 2001) Baseline: 53% (residential, commercial, municipal) 20 Zones, 9 building typologies: <1950 (T1 – detached house, residential) 1980 – 2000 (T2 – detached house, residential) <1900 (T3 – Terrace house, commercial) <1980 (T4 – Apartment building, mixed use) 1980 – 2000 (T5 – Apartment building, 5-7F, mixed use) 1980 – 2000 (T5i – Apartment building, 4-6F, mixed use) > 2000 (T6 – Apartment building, 7F+B, residential) <1980 (T7 – detached, residential) 1980 – 2000 (T7i – semi-detached house, residential) Energy building consumption: 932 TJ (space heating, cooling and hot water) S1. Municipal building renovation (20% improved efficiency) S2. 80% of city buildings connected with the natural gas network S3. Renovation of all city buildings grounded before 1950 S4. Energy efficiency upgrade of all city buildings
City energy system Urban Mobility Needs 20 zones (13 urban units) Baseline: 22% Scenarios: S8: Mobility Ring-Road (8C) completion and Cycle Lane Network Expansion with 5-10 Km (8R) S9: Replacement of 10 municipal vehicles with electrical ones S10: Encouraging hybrid and electrical vehicle use (i.e., with tolls in the city entrance) Urban mobility needs: 836.25 TJ
City energy system Energy use in other sectors Street lighting: 2% (baseline) S5. Public lighting upgrade to LED (6,000 units) Remainder sectors: 18% (baseline) Water pumping & treatment S13. Dam construction (200KWh energy supply and down to 0% energy demand for water pumping) Sewage treatment S12. Sewage treatment with bacteria (25% decrease of energy demand) Waste collection S9. Replacement of 10 municipal vehicles with electrical ones Waste process (landfill) S11. Biomass landfill (950KWh production capacity) Energy use in city support sectors: 431 TJ
Mid-term Implementation Plan to 2030 Measures to implement: Fiscal crisis limits interventions Short-term (by 2020): S1 (Municipal Buildings), S2 (Gas network supply), S5 (Public lighting upgrade), S8 (Ringroad and Cycle lane extension) Mid-term (by 2025): S6 (renewable production increase), S7 (Green space creation), S9 (vehicles’ upgrade), S12 (Sewage treatment with bacteria) Main Expected Achievements by 2030 Scenario 1 does not result to a significant change, since municipal buildings’ energy demand will flow from 29.96GWh to only 26.8GWh by 2030. Scenario 2 is the most expensive but has the most significant impact regarding energy consumption, since buildings’ energy demand will flow from baseline’s 184GWh to 134.94GWh by 2030. Scenario 5 has a significant contribution, since electrical consumption for public street lighting will flow to 1.81GWh in 2030, compared to the baseline’s 5.99GWh. Scenario 6 returns an added value of 70GWh of annual renewable energy in 2030, compared to baseline’s 14.98GWh. Scenario 15 demonstrates a flow of CO2 production from 581TJ to 451TJ in 2030.
The InSmart Solution: Lessons Learnt and Key Innovations achieved City as an energy system Policies affect energy efficiency Stakeholders have different perspectives on the policies Covenant of Mayors 2020 has a limited effect to the estimated outcomes Innovations The city has been engaged in Agenda 2030 (with a leading role at the municipal union (KEDE)) (SDG 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all and SDG 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable)
The InSmart Solution: Dissemination and Future Uses DEYAT: water and sewage management Will use the InSmart model for annual energy consumption calculations Will contribute InSmart outcomes for Municipal strategic reviews Dissemination activities 2 Conferences (Kaleidoscope 2016 and CEDEM ASIA 2016) 1 Journal (Journal of ICT Standardization) Submitted as a standard to ITU (accepted by SG5) Utilization of INSMART data: Map points of interest on GIS map Info-stand at Christmas thematic village (Milosxotikon) 3 Workshops and 1 final (with Mayors from Thessaly) Press releases (local press before and after each workshop) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 314164.