Implications for Malawi Medicines Policy/Procurement/Production
GENERAL 1. Harmonize all affected policies National medicines policy Procurement policy Intellectual property
NM POLICY AREAS AFFECTED 2. LOCAL PRODUCTION Awareness of TRIPS Current capacity to be improved New investors to be encouraged (incentives)
POLICY AREAS AFFECTED 3. PROCUREMENT AND USE Monitoring and evaluation of supply chain Revive community drug receipt committees at district and health centre levels Rolling out the role of CSOs e.g Tendai project to monitor medicine use at community.
POLICY AREAS AFFECTED 4. TECHNICAL COOPERATION Include inter agency committee to include: ODDP, S&T, RG Public-Private partnerships
OTHER AREAS TO INCLUDE IN POLICY Pharmacovigilance: Vigilance and surveillance of ADRS of ART, resistance Pharmaceutical governance Accountability in selection, procurement, distribution and use
Intellectual Property Rights Policy Recognize issues captured in specific medicine policy areas that affect access to essential medicines