Progress/Status of National Hydrology Project Presented by SK Sinha, Director, IBD(SGO) Survey of India 1st World Bank Mission on 24th August, 2017 New Delhi.
CPMU – SOI(IA) Maj Gen VP Srivastava Surveyor General of India Chairman Shri Shyam Veer Singh, Director, National Geospatial Data Centre, Dehra Dun Project Director & Member Shri KK Soni, Director, Administration&Finance Member Smt Bindu Manghat, Director, Western Printing Group, Delhi Nodal Officer & Member
Funds Received/Spent 2016-17 Released 7,63,02,000 1,36,98,000 PPlan Total 2016-17 Released 7,63,02,000 1,36,98,000 9,00,00,000 2017-18 Released 38,37,00,000 4,15,00,000 42,52,00,000 46,00,02,000 5,51,98000 51,52,00,000 Expenditure (2017-18) -- 64,63,605
Major Procurement item in PIP
Component B1.1: Strengthening National WRIS ItemCode Activity Fund catered (in lakhs) B1.1.1 to 4 Setting up of Geospatial Data Production Centre for 10m DTM 328.00 B1.1.5 to 8 Setting up of Geospatial Data Production Centre for 3-5m DTM 748.00 B1.1.9 to 16 Setting up of Geospatial Data Production Centre for 1:25k gdb from topomaps(creation and updation) 1265.60 B1.1.17 Setting up of Geospatial Data Production Centre for LIDAR Survey 1500.00 3841.00 B1.1.18 Setting up of CORS 706.00 B1.1.19 Vehicles for field operations and QA/QC of LIDAR survey. 210.00 Total of B1.1 component 4757.60
Component B1.2: Development / Procurement of Spatial Databases ItemCode Activity Fund catered (in lakhs) B1.2.1 Production of 10m DTM 925.00 B1.2.2 Production of 3-5m DTM 2503.00 B1.2.3&4 Production of 1:25k gdb from topomaps(creation and updation) 4800.00 7303.00 B1.2.5 Geoid modelling 1280.00 B1.2.6 Provision and densification of frame work GCPs for LIDAR survey 64.00 B1.2.7&8 Acquisition, processing and QA/QC of LIDAR Survey Data 10669.00 Total of B1.2 component 20241.00
Major Procurement item in AWP
PID Package Name Cost in Lacs Status Activities ID 492 Absolute and Relative gravimeters 484.5 PP Cleared by WB/Submitted to MoWR and observations received/Observations incorporated and under Departmental approval B1.2.05.01 493 Survey Instruments for Geoid modelling 50 PP Cleared by WB/NCB under preparation B1.2.05.02 495 Hiring of consultant for setting upof H/W infrastructure for geospatial data production centres 30 PP Cleared by WB/EoI evaluation report &RFP submitted to MoWR/Observations of MoWR incorporated and under Departmental approval D4.1.07.01,B1.1.01.01, B1.1.05.01 505 Hiring of Procurement , Contract Management and Project Management specialists 54 PP Cleared by WB/Bid document under preparation D4.1.08.01,D4.1.09.01, D4.1.10.01 507 Procurement of Vehicles for PDO 20 PP Cleared by WB/ under Departmental approval D3.1.05.01 508 Workstations and Laptops for PDO 40.02 PP cleared by WB/Items identified for procurement by GeM D3.1.01.01 510 Furniture for PDO 24.38 D3.1.03.01 511 Setting up of PDO, Dehra Dun 46.57 PP received with observations/Items identified for procurement by GeM D3.1.04.01 519, 1002 Setting up of geospatial Data Production Centres 750 PP Cleared by WB, bid document to be prepared with help of consultant B1.1.01.02,B1.1.02.01,B1.1.05.02, B1.1.06.01 524 Scanners and Plotters 47 PP Cleared by WB B1.1.02.02,B1.1.06.02 537, 1011 Geospatial Software and data management software 597.93 Returned by WB with comments. Comments under incorporation. Exact nos being finalized B1.1.01.03,B1.1.05.03 538 Setting up of Production facility at multiple locations 121 PP Cleared by WB. B1.1.11.01 1014 103 B1.1.10.02
285 181 2920 30 676 100 1600 PID Package Name Cost in Lacs Status Activities ID 1016 Cost satellite imagery and software/hardware for updation of 1:25k gdb 285 Returned by WB with comments B1.1.13.01 1017 Additional hardware and software for updation 181 PP Cleared by WB B1.1.14.01 1018 Lidar survey- acquision and processing including setting up of geospatial data production centre 2920 PP Cleared by WB/Bid document submitted to MoWR/Comments incorporated and refined with inputs from trainees from ITC/Under departmental approval B1.1.17.01,B1.2.07.01 1019 Hiring of Consultant for Lidar Survey 30 PP Cleared by WB –to be modified to Consultant Services for QA/QC B1.1.17.03 1020 Hiring of consultant for setting up of CORS PP Cleared by WB . Bid document under preparation B1.1.18.02 1021 Setting up of CORS at Varanasi 676 Returned by WB with comments. Bid document under preparation B1.1.18.01 1022 Procurement of vehicles at multiple locations 100 B1.1.19.01 1035 Creation of 3-5m RMSE DEM and updated 1:25k database of Priority I river basins 1600 PP Returned by WB with comments. Bid document finalized and under submission B1.2.02.01,B1.2.03.01, B1.2.04.01 1065 Hiring of consultants (Geoid) Returned by WB with comments- B1.2.05.03
10m DTM of entire country Project Deliverables 3-5m DTM + updated gdb of 1:25k scale survey 1ST YEAR –P1 AREA, 2ND YEAR- P2 AREA 3RD YEAR –P3 AREA(Approx .5LAKH SQ KM) GEOID for execution in P-1 AREA 0.5M RMSE DTM BY LIDAR SURVEY OF P-1 AREA (Approx. 55,000sq km) IN 3YEARS CORS AT VARANASI CAPACITY BUILDING OF SOI OFFICERS IN LIDAR SURVEY, GEOID DEVELOPMENT, CORS , PROJECT MANAGEMENT etc
Data Indent form O.57(b) is under submission by MoWR 10m DTM Data ready for supply Data Indent form O.57(b) is under submission by MoWR
3-5m DTM and updated gdb Bid document is under submission by the board. Processing centres to be finalized. Board has recommended proprietary s/w + workflow for adoption in bidding document. Indian HRSI with MSS from NRSC Allotted Area likely to be revised. Gap areas to be allotted to NRSC on their request. Final decision of MoWR is awaited.
Generation of Geoid model IndGeoid of 30cm accuracy developed by G&RB for western and northern part of India with support of Mr Rene Forsberg of DTU. Officers from G&RB have trained at DTU, Denmark. Final tender document for Abs & relative gravimeters received from MoWR with comments. Modified bid document is under departmental approval. WB observation on hiring of consultant from Single source-Justification to be provided by the board, followed by the proposal Bid for procurement of Survey Instrument is under preparation. Comprehensive PERT proposal on Geoid development under preparation by G&RB. Planning for field in advanced stage. Field induction to be done shortly.
LIDAR survey Draft bid document submitted by SoI. Observations received from MoWR. Technical specification further refined by subcommittee of ITC trained officers. Area allocation likely to be revised. MoWR has to replace part of Brahmaputra, Godavari and Mahanadi basins as they are already surveyed by NRSC-to be pursued with MoWR. High resolution photography carried out in Bihar & Odisha can be used for DEM creation. Bid document to be finalized on finalization of re-allotted area
STEP-World Bank approval mechanism of Procurement activity under NHP MoWR approved procurement plans for FY 2016-17 and 2017-18 have been collectively uploaded in the STEP. WB cleared all activities with certain observation which have to be incorporated
STEP-World Bank approval mechanism of Procurement activity under NHP World Bank Returned Activities . PD has to take action on the observation Activity Reference No Activity Description IN-SOI-22154-GO-RFQ Setting up of PDO-Electification, partitioning, networking procurement of office instruments, AC etc IN-SOI-22198-GO-DIR Geospatial Software and Data management software-Bentley map, ESRI, FME, Oracle, LIDAR processing s/w etc IN-SOI-23020-GO-DIR Cost of Satellite imagery and software/hardware for updation of 1:25k gdb. IN-SOI-23213-CS-QCBS Creation of 3-5m DTM and updated 1:25k database of Priority 1 river basins IN-SOI-23214-CS-QCBS Setting up of CORS at Varanasi IN-SOI-23683-CS-INDV Consultant for Geoid modeling-Hiring of IN-SOI-23699-NC-RFQ Digitizers of skill level 1 to 4
Status and Way forward STATUS All critical bid documents like 3-5 m DEM/LiDAR Survey /Gravimeters already prepared and under Departmental approval. Comprehensive proposal on Geoid development is being prepared by G&RB Bid document(CS-ICB) for CORS is under preparation Bid document(W-NCB) for Lidar Survey is under preparation. Area for the survey to be finalized. Bid for Procurement, Contract Management, Project Management consultants through consultant firms is under preparation. Preparatory and Planning work for meeting the obligations of SoI for works to be carried out by itself/or inputs to be provided to Contractors in advanced stage Officers being trained in Key areas like LiDAR survey, Geoid Development, Project Management etc (3 officers trained at IIM, Ahmedabad (3 officers trained at DTU, Denmark,20 officers trained at ITC, Netherlands ) Hiring of Consultant firm for Setting up of Geospatial Data Production Centres- EOI evaluated- Six firms qualified for RFP Stage WAY FORWARD PDO being further staffed and roles/responsibilities being re-aligned to cater to Execution phase All bid documents to be submitted shortly Execution/Monitoring Mechanism being put in place to complete tasks and submit deliverables as per timelines in a phased manner.